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Brian Finsterbusch


Q&A: Brian Finsterbusch’s commitment beyond conflict

April 19, 2024Tracy Orzel

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Brian Finsterbusch, vice president of sales at JANZ and a former U.S. Army medic, spoke to HME News recently about the company’s $1 million donation in medical supplies and the personal reasons driving his commitment.  HME News: Can you share some of your background as an Army medic?  Brian Finsterbusch: I served as a combat medic stationed at Fort Sam Houston before relocating to Ohio with the 285th Area Support Medical Company. My experiences include...

Home Medical Equipment (HME), JANZ, Ukraine

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In brief: Rehab Medical hits milestone, JANZ supports medics, Belluscura partners with Sunset 

February 14, 2024HME News Staff

INDIANAPOLIS – Rehab Medical now has 100 assistive technology professionals (ATPs), a milestone it recently celebrated at a two-day annual conference in downtown Indianapolis.  “This milestone is a great achievement for us, and we are very proud to celebrate it,” said President Kevin Gearheart. “It is also the first of many milestones we expect to cross. We have an outstanding team, and this is just the beginning.”  Reaching the milestone is instrumental...

Belluscura, JANZ, Rehab Medical, Sunset Healthcare Solutions

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JANZ supports medics in Ukraine 

February 12, 2024HME News Staff

COLUMBUS, Ohio – JANZ Corp. recently watched more than $1 million worth of medical supplies leave its Columbus, Ohio, headquarters bound for Ukraine.  The shipment was the culmination of a six-month effort by Brain Finsterbusch, vice president of sales and a former U.S. Army medic, whose wife is also Ukrainian, to ensure that combat medics in Ukraine have the equipment they need to save lives on the front lines of its war with Russia.  “We succeeded in obtaining some of...

JANZ, Medical supplies, Ukraine

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Brian Healey


JANZ: ‘We have the model built’

February 2, 2024Theresa Flaherty, Managing Editor

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Its recent acquisition of Mullaney’s Medical Supply opens the door for JANZ Corp., a service-disabled, veteran-owned small business that has focused on serving military installations and veterans, to also serve people in their homes, says President Brian Healey.  While JANZ’s primary market for the military has been maternal and infant products, mobility products for injured soldiers and CPAP devices, it has now expanded its portfolio to include a wider...

Home Medical Equipment (HME), JANZ, Military, Mullaney's Medical Supply

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In brief: Prior auth burden, VGM Forbin president, JANZ acquisition

January 19, 2024HME News Staff

WASHINGTON – CMS has finalized a rule that sets requirements for Medicare Advantage organizations and other programs to improve the electronic exchange of health information and prior authorization processes and reduce burden on patients, providers and payers.  The agency estimates its Interoperability and Prior Authorization Final Rule (CMS-0057-F) will result in $15 billion in estimated savings over 10 years.  “When a doctor says a patient needs a procedure, it is essential...

Complex Rehab Technology (CRT), JANZ, Masimo, Mullaney's Medical Supply, Prior Authorization, United Spinal Association, VGM Forbin

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