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Mom & baby: Create connection

Mom & baby: Create connection

Lalaina RabaryQ. How can I effectively market breast pumps to moms? 

A. As a marketing expert and a mom, I understand the nuanced approach needed for promoting breast pumps effectively. For DME providers looking to capture their market share in this niche, the strategy goes beyond mere product placement—it’s about creating an inviting and supportive environment that speaks to the needs of mothers.  

First, reaching the right audience and referral sources is key. DME providers should establish strong relationships with healthcare professionals like OB-GYNs, pediatricians, doulas, midwives and lactation consultants. These experts are pivotal in recommending breast pumps to expectant and new mothers. Targeted outreach through professional networks, seminars, and even sponsoring relevant educational events can significantly enhance visibility and credibility.  

Within your store, visual appeal is crucial. Displays should be organized, with clear signage highlighting the benefits of different pump models and accessories. Consider including testimonials or success stories from local moms who have benefited from your products. Interactive elements such as demo stations where mothers can turn on/off the technology can allow them to experience the product firsthand. For an added touch, you can host special events where you invite local maternity care providers in store to host breastfeeding workshops and offer product giveaways. 

Moreover, don’t underestimate the power of digital marketing. Social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook are ideal for showcasing your products in use, sharing breastfeeding tips, and fostering a community of supportive mothers. Utilize targeted advertising to reach expectant and new mothers in your area.  

Above all, empathy and understanding should underscore every marketing effort. Recognize that choosing a breast pump is not just a transactional decision but a deeply personal one for new mothers. By creating a nurturing environment both online and in-store, DME providers can build trust and loyalty that extends beyond the initial purchase, supporting families through their breastfeeding journey with care and expertise. 

Lalaina Rabary is marketing manager, North America, Momcozy. Reach her at


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