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Tag: Billing


Nymbl Systems receives investment 

December 23, 2024HME News Staff

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Nymbl Systems, a provider of cloud-based practice management software for orthotics and prosthetics, complex rehab technology and home medical equipment providers, has received an equity investment from Frontier Growth.  The amount of the deal was not disclosed, but Charlotte-based Frontier Growth typically makes initial equity investments of $5 million to $30 million in mission critical vertical SaaS companies with $3 million to $20 million of annual recurring revenue...

Billing, Investment, Nymbl Systems, Private Equity, Software

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Kit Shellhouse

Smart Talk

Billing: Manage your risk

December 10, 2024Kit Shellhouse

Q. How can I stay compliant with Medicare’s fee-for-service plans?  A. Dealing with Medicare fee-for-service plans can be tricky, but there are ways to manage the risks and stay compliant. Documentation errors are a primary risk, as Medicare is extremely strict, and any mistakes can lead to claim denials or audits. To avoid these risks, ensure all patient records, prescriptions and proof of delivery are thoroughly documented and easily accessible. Billing inaccuracies, such as incorrect...

Billing, Kit Shellhouse, van Halem Group

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Billing software: Advancements needed, respondents say

December 6, 2024Liz Beaulieu, Editor

YARMOUTH, Maine – When it comes to a wish list for their billing software, the respondents to a recent HME Newspoll say it’s all about integrating various capabilities, doing more to leverage artificial intelligence and streamlining their costs.  Respondents reported they’d like to see their billing software integrated with other programs that manage everything from appointments to patient therapies to electronic signatures to mask fittings.  “I would like...

Billing, Home Medical Equipment (HME)

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Kit Shellhouse

Smart Talk

Billing: Protect PHI

October 16, 2024Kit Shellhouse

Q. What types of information will I be required to provide to the OCR in the event of an audit of my HIPAA compliance program?  A. Being proactive will alleviate the pressure of an OCR (HSS Office for Civil Rights) audit. The OCR will request documentation from you as a provider. This information must demonstrate that your company has adhered to the required HIPAA Program.   To prove adherence, a portion of the required documentation will include the policies and procedures related...

Billing, Kit Shellhouse, van Halem Group

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Also Noted

CMS issues final rule on catheter billing

September 26, 2024HME News Staff

WASHINGTON – CMS has issued a final rule that addresses suspicious billing activity within the Medicare Shared Savings Program that resulted in an increase in DMEPOS billing for certain intermittent urinary catheter supplies. The rule, “Medicare Program: Mitigating the Impact of Significant, Anomalous, and Highly Suspect Billing Activity on Medicare Shared Savings Program Financial Calculations in Calendar Year 2023” (CMS-1799-F) is part of a larger strategy to address significant,...

Billing, Catheter

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Also Noted

Noridian responds to orthotics inquiries 

September 23, 2024HME News Staff

WASHINGTON – Noridian Healthcare Solutions has published an update for billing custom-fitted orthotics when no custom fitting is completed with no off-the-shelf equivalent available. “Due to recent inquiries from suppliers, it has come to our attention that some miscellaneous codes used for billing off-the-shelf orthotics, when a custom fit orthotic is provided but no custom fitting is performed, may require specific policy and laterality modifiers,” it states. These claims must...

Billing, Coding, Custom Orthotics, Off-the-shelf orthotics, Orthotics

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Poll respondents work to lower costs, increase sales

September 20, 2024Theresa Flaherty, Managing Editor

YARMOUTH, Maine – With reimbursement strained, it’s unsurprising that 50% of respondents to a recent HME Newspoll say they’ve targeted billing/collections as an area for improvement this year.  One way they’re doing that: Gaining efficiency through new billing software, but it’s a process that takes time, say respondents.  “We needed to reduce overhead expenses by reducing manual tasks,” wrote one respondent. “(I) didn’t expect...

Billing, Home Medical Equipment (HME)

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Kit Shellhouse

Smart Talk

Billing: Maintain clean record

September 16, 2024Kit Shellhouse

Q. Should I be performing regular audits of my provider enrollment record?  A. Short answer, yes! Providers should review, or audit, their Provider Enrollment Record at least annually. In doing so, you could avoid potential issues with incorrect or outdated information that, when discovered by your payer’s provider enrollment department, could result in a revoked or deactivated enrollment. Loss of enrollment status could not only result in penalties and fines, but also impede the ability...

Billing, Kit Shellhouse, van Halem Group

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Also Noted

RedSail partners with NikoHealth 

September 10, 2024HME News Staff

MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP, N.J. – RedSail Technologies has announced a partnership with NikoHealth to elevate its service offerings for its HME pharmacy customers. As part of the partnership, RedSail’s customers will be introduced to the HME-focused features of the NikoHealth platform.  “For customers seeking a more HME-focused system, NikoHealth emerged as the preferred choice due to its next-generation, cloud-based HME system, which offers robust features that have garnered excellent...

Billing, NikoHealth, RedSail Technologies, Software

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Prochant survey


New survey: Denials tops list of challenges 

July 16, 2024HME News Staff

CHARLOTTE – The No. 1 billing and revenue cycle management challenge for HME providers is preventing or reducing denials and appeals, according to the results of a new survey sponsored by Prochant and conducted by in90.  The No. 2 challenge: Hiring, training and retaining qualified intake, billing and collections staff.  “In response to these challenges, 60% of respondents have outsourced at least one RCM function in the past year, with over 70% attributing this decision...

Billing, denials, Prochant, Revenue Cycle Management

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