Tag: Ashlie White
Call to duty: O&P Woman of the Year pushes recognition of the clinician
October 29, 2021Theresa Flaherty, Managing Editor
Ashlie White isn’t an O&P clinician but, as the daughter of a prosthetist, she grew up in the profession. After beginning a career in documentary work and journalism, she went to work at her family’s O&P clinic, eventually landing at the American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association, where she serves as director of health policy and strategic alliances.
“I was always called back to the patient advocacy of the work,” she said. “The exposure to the change that...
OPGA names O&P Woman of the Year
September 22, 2021HME News Staff
WATERLOO, Iowa - The Orthotic and Prosthetic Group of America, a division of VGM & Associates, has named Ashlie White, director of health policy and strategic alliances for the American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association, as its O&P Woman of the Year. Prior to joining AOPA, White served as director of operations for Beacon Prosthetics and Orthotics. She also served eight years as the director of government affairs for the North Carolina Orthotics and Prosthetics Trade Association, NCOPTA, and four...