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Tag: Denise Leard

Kelly Grahovac


Proposed rule strengthens cyber protections

February 7, 2025Theresa Flaherty, Managing Editor

WASHINGTON – A new proposed rule related to electronic protected health information would enforce measures that HME providers should already be working toward in an environment of unrelenting cyberattacks, say industry consultants.  The Office for Civil Rights at the Department of Health and Human Services in late December issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to modify the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 Security Rule to strengthen cybersecurity protections...

Cybersecurity, Denise Leard, HIPAA, Home Medical Equipment (HME), Kelly Grahovac, Protected Health Information

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Legal spotlight: Mandates, audits

April 2, 2022Liz Beaulieu, Editor

AMARILLO, Texas – With the roller coaster of vaccine mandates and the uptick in audits, legal issues are keeping HME providers on their toes, say Jeff Baird and Denise Leard. Baird and Leard, both health care attorneys with Brown & Fortunato, gave HME News a look into the latest developments on these two topics.  Vaccine variables The long story short, Baird says, is if you’re an HME company, you have to worry about whether or not your employees are visiting a health care facility...

Audit, Denise Leard, Home Medical Equipment (HME), Jeff Baird, vaccines

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Are you covered?

March 6, 2015Theresa Flaherty, Managing Editor

WASHINGTON - The recent data breach at Anthem should have HME providers assessing the security of their own data, especially patient health records, industry stakeholders say.“Any time you have a disaster or a loss, it gets people talking and thinking,” said Tim Able, director of sales and marketing for Akron, Ohio-based SeibertKeck Insurance. “Anthem has billions in resources and they couldn't stop this.”In February, the insurance giant announced that as many as 80 million...

Data Breach, Denise Leard, Tim Able

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Expect more aggressive audits

December 1, 2014Theresa Flaherty, Managing Editor

ATLANTA - Medicare has gone from pay-and-chase to not letting the money out, says healthcare attorney Denise Leard.The result is more—and meaner—audits, she said during a session at Medtrade in October.Everything starts with the CERTs, she said. It's their job to ensure Medicare is paying claims appropriately.“If they see a trend, then all of a sudden the ZPICs are looking,” said Leard, who works for Brown & Fortunato. “It's very important to do a good job of responding...

Denise Leard

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