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Tag: Craig Kreakie

Mobility City’s Craig Kreakie: From finance to franchise lead


Mobility City’s Craig Kreakie: From finance to franchise lead

March 21, 2025Tracy Orzel

BOCA RATON, Fla. – Craig Kreakie, Mobility’s City’s new vice president of franchise operations, was looking to buy a franchise, not secure an executive position, but the company’s leadership and support drew him in.  Now he’s keyed in to improving the efficiency of franchises on a broad scale, so they can do what they do best – help people.  HME News: What do you bring to the table at Mobility City?  Craig Kreakie: I started my career as...

Craig Kreakie, Mobility City, Wheelchair

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Also Noted

Mobility City taps industry vet for VP role

February 6, 2025HME News Staff

BOCA RATON, Fla. – Mobility City has named Craig Kreakie as vice president of franchise operations. He brings more than 20 years of related experience in the home medical products business, including 15 years of operational experience at Cardinal Health and, most recently, as vice president of sales and service at SpinLife. "We are thrilled to have Craig as part of the leadership team at Mobility City Holdings," said Diane Baratta, CEO of Mobility City. "His strategic mindset...

Craig Kreakie, Mobility City, Mobility equipment

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