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WHILL powers up

WHILL powers up

Carl CrabillREDWOOD CITY, Calif. – WHILL, known for its modern looking power wheelchairs, is on an expansion kick in the U.S., attending Medtrade this spring with a new product and announcing the addition of five executives to its leadership team in May. 

“We’re newly re-energized,” said Carl Crabill, senior vice president, WHILL Business Development, Mobility Sales. “Our strategy is really unique and it’s going to deliver a lot of growth.”  

In addition to Crabill, WHILL named Tres Izzard president of WHILL Mobility Services; Marie Onga vice president of WHILL Customer Experience Group; Christine Addeo vice president of WHILL Marketing; and Shane Bogni vice president, WHILL Business Development, Mobility Services. 

In the first quarter of calendar year 2024, WHILL’s growth included a 40% increase in total mobility sales. In the last 16 months, the company’s cruise rental business has seen more than 65,000 transactions across 24 cruise lines, 275 ships and 84 ports worldwide, Crabill says, and its airport rental business has grown to include Miami International and other airports. 

“I think we’re just scratching the surface,” he said. 

Future sales and rentals will get a boost from the WHILL Model Ri, the company’s first ever scooter, which will launch this summer. The scooter, on display at Medtrade in March, features the same modern look as the company’s flagship wheelchairs, the Model C2 and Model F, Crabill says. 

“It was very well received and pre-orders are incredibly strong,” he said. “We’re very excited about the scooter business. The Ri delivers on our mantra of bringing (to market) designs that are unique and, with an independent suspension and stabilizer, it delivers the ride and comfort that’s the hallmark of our brand.” 

WHILL expects the Ri to become a larger fixture of its rental business, which is a pivotal part of the company’s marketing strategy of making impressions and converting them to sales, Crabill says. 

“It’s like a cybertruck – when you see (our products) in the airport or on a cruise ship, you just stop what you’re doing and stare at it,” he said. “It drives awareness.” 


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