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Resolutions 2014: Walk the plank, pass the buck

Resolutions 2014: Walk the plank, pass the buck

People the world over are counting down the minutes and hours until the New Year arrives. Except perhaps for Jo in the next cube. She's singing "White Christmas."

I am personally counting the minutes until I get sprung from this joint today. No special reason, I just have holiday brain.

So let's talk resolutions. I make a few soft ones every year and don't beat myself up when they (inevitably) fall by the wayside. This year's have to do with fitness, both physical and fiscal.

One idea I got, just today, from the Internet. It's called "plank a day" and every day you do a plank, starting at 20 seconds and aiming just a little higher each day. Just a year ago, I couldn't have even considered this due to my shoulder problems but I have come a long way and while there are residual problems, I am grateful to be on the mend. The projected rock-hard abs will simply be a bonus ; )

This relates to my second resolution: pilates, where I believe they love the plank. I have been wanting to take a class for ages but they are hard to come by around these parts and when you do, they are expensive, the hours are sporadic and the hours are also geared toward folks that don't seem to have to work for a living (which cycles us back to expensive). My gym offers yoga—for free—but it doesn't appeal to me. Other excuses have included that if I am gonna do it, it should be twice a week, or, I'd like the class to be right after work. No more. I found a beginner's class, once a week, near my house at 6:30 in the evening. It's $15 bucks a class (ouch!) but it's time to reallocate funds (wine budget) and make the effort.

Speaking of $15 classes, the other Internet resolution I liked and plan to attempt was a 52 week savings challenge. You save $1 the first week, $2 the second week, $3 the third week and so on. If you keep it up, you have $1,378 by the end of the year.

Check back for updates and Happy New Year!

Theresa Flaherty


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