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Permobil celebrates repair win

Permobil celebrates repair win

LEBANON, Tenn. – Permobil will host an event at its office here on Sept. 5 to celebrate the passage of first-of-its-kind legislation that requires Medicaid reimbursement for preventative maintenance for complex rehab technology. The company collaborated with the Tennessee Disability Coalition and other CRT stakeholders to work with state legislators to draft the bill, which passed both chambers in May. “Improving reliable access to repair services for individuals who utilize CRT equipment has been sorely needed,” said Chuck Witkowski, president of Permobil Americas. “We were honored to partner with other advocates from this community and help share their experienced feedback on this important subject. Together, we identified meaningful ways to enhance policies and safeguards and then worked hand-in-hand to introduce and pass legislation that made those changes a reality.” The celebration will include comments from the Tennessee Disability Coalition, AAHomecare, legislators and other stakeholders who pushed this bill over the finish line. There will also be opportunities to tour Permobil's production facility. The bill went into effect July 1.


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