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‘Fiercely independent’ Soleo Health maps its future

‘Fiercely independent’ Soleo Health maps its future

Drew WalkFRISCO, Texas – When Soleo Health founders Drew Walk and Craig Vollmer decided to launch Soleo Health, they knew they wanted to build an infusion company with staying power. 

“We knew it had to be national in scale and able to grow, but we also wanted to be thoughtful about providing a broad range of therapies,” said Walk, CEO. “We also recognized that if we built something that not only provided great service but also was able to articulate the value through real-world outcomes, it was going to be significant.” 

Fast forward to 2024, and it’s Soleo Health’s 10th anniversary and the company boasts national nursing coverage, pharmacy licensure in 50 dates, 26 pharmacy locations and more than 30 infusion centers throughout the country. 

Soleo Health’s focus on complex therapies has been a big part of its growth over the years – something made possible by its nursing coverage. In addition to URAC and The Joint Commission, the company is accredited by ACHC with Distinction in Rare Disease and Orphan Drugs. 

“You need to have a little bit more of the integrated nursing and pharmacy approach, where you’ve got nurses and pharmacists working together,” said Walk. “There’s a need for focused clinical monitoring and intervention.” 

That focus on high-complex care also drives the company’s commitment to advocacy. Both Walk and Vollmer regularly advocate for various industry priorities, including the Expanding Care in the Home Act and the Preserving Patient Access to Home Infusion Act, the most recent version of legislation aimed at modernizing Medicare reimbursement and increasing access to home infusion services for Medicare beneficiaries. 

“CMS only recognizes when nurses are in the home for us to get reimbursed and that’s not a sustainable model,” said Vollmer, chief commercial officer. “There’s been a drop-off in access, and when the alternative is hospitalization and that’s the most costly – we’re really trying to promote the value of the services that we can provide in the home.” 

During the past decade, the home infusion industry has experienced a lot of growth, including advances in technology, new drugs coming to market, and a wider acceptance of care in the home – and Soleo Health has grown right along with it, says Vollmer. 

“There’s always going to be that strong need for a robust clinical service offering regardless of where patients are being seen,” he said. “We really have a balanced approach and we’ve really put a stake in the sand of defining what we think is something unique.” 

As Soleo Health looks ahead to the next 10 years, Walk sees nothing but opportunity ahead. 

“We’ll continue to expand our footprint, continue to expand our therapeutic approach and continue to provide real value to all of our stakeholders,” he said. “We’re fiercely independent, we’ve got a great team, and we think we’ll be able to continue to expand our services.” 


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