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Election coverage: Poll lays out hot button issues

Election coverage: Poll lays out hot button issues

ElectionYARMOUTH, Maine – At the top of the list of priorities for Medicare under a new administration are fair reimbursement, fraud prevention and streamlined documentation, say respondents to a recent HME Newspoll. 

“The top priority for Medicare is to implement fair, market-based reimbursement rates,” wrote Craig Rae of Penrod Medical Equipment in Salisbury, N.C. “DME providers are dealing with a harsh reality that either CMS doesn’t understand or doesn’t want to understand. We can start with the 75//25 relief, but the entire rate structure needs a major overhaul to include large-scale simplification.” 

Industry stakeholders have been focused for much of this year on getting a 75/25 blended reimbursement rate in non-bid, non-rural areas reinstated through the end of the year. It expired on Jan. 1, 2024. 

How we got here 

Several respondents reported wanting to see the national competitive bidding program, which went into effect in 2011 and which they associate with the beginnings of the industry’s reimbursement woes, reformed or abolished. 

“Reform the entire competitive bidding process (by) accepting bids that are higher than existing bids and reworking fee schedules to fairly represent current market realities, not bad-faith pseudo-auction prices from more than 10 years ago,” wrote one respondent. 

“Dump the so-called ‘competitive’ bidding program in its entirety,” wrote another respondent. 

‘Underwhelming’ effort 

In addition to implementing fair reimbursement, several respondents reported wanting to see Medicare do a better job preventing “bad actors” and streamlining requirements. 

“Suppliers need to be rewarded for providing quality products and services, not punished by low reimbursement and an overwhelming amount of paperwork,” wrote one respondent. “At the same time, the attempts to prevent fraud are underwhelming with millions paid to unscrupulous providers of equipment and health care services.” 

“Make ordering DME as easy as sending a script to your pharmacy,” wrote another respondent. “Transfer some of the qualification responsibilities to the doctor, who is writing them.” 

New administration 

The majority of respondents (67%) said a Trump/Vance administration would be better for the Medicare program. 

“Trump will help the economy; therefore, Medicare won’t be pulled apart,” wrote one respondent. 

Another respondent begs to differ. 

“Why would anyone in our industry support Republican candidates who want to cut Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security,” they wrote. “If you want to do journalism, maybe look into this phenomenon. I am quite sure the majority of your respondents will choose Trump.”


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