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DME MACs ease wheelchair policies 

DME MACs ease wheelchair policies 

WASHINGTON – The DME MACs have announced increased flexibility for home assessments for manual wheelchairs and streamlined replacement in certain cases. 

Home assessments 

This change allows for indirect assessments, such as phone calls, easing the burden on providers and improving access for Medicare beneficiaries in remote areas, AAHomecare says. The documentation for these assessments must clearly detail the beneficiary's home layout, surfaces and any obstacles that might impact wheelchair use. 

Stakeholders were able to work with the DME MACs and CMS during the public health emergency to allow indirect assessments, but Medicare traditionally requires an in-person assessment for manual wheelchairs. 

Wheelchair replacements 

This change allows Medicare to treat wheelchairs as “lost” if replacement parts become unavailable due to a manufacturer ceasing operations and no aftermarket parts exist. Beneficiaries can use existing procedures for obtaining replacement equipment, similar to when a wheelchair is lost, stolen or damaged beyond repair, AAHomecare says. 

AAHomecare says the changes address long-standing requests from stakeholders. 


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