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Archive: December 2022

Specialty Providers

EW Focus Conference shines light on new markets

December 30, 2022Theresa Flaherty, Managing Editor

CLEARWATER BEACH, Fla. – Gone are the days when diversification for a women’s health boutique meant simply adding swimwear and wigs.   These days, providers have a lot more opportunities to cross-sell products and services for a host of women’s health concerns, and the upcoming Focus on the Future Conference will show attendees how, says Nikki Jensen.  “The pandemic brought to light the importance of diversification,” said Jensen, vice president...

Essentially Women, Focus on the Future, Women's Health

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Specialty Providers

NCPA gets real with ‘Show Me’ 

December 30, 2022Tracy Orzel

ALEXANDRIA, Va. - The National Community Pharmacists Association has already been facilitating live coaching, but its new educational reality series, “Show Me,” allows the organization to expand its reach in a popular TV makeover format.  The YouTube series features real pharmacists who need help getting their business back on track.  “What our members like the most is peer-to-peer learning,” said Kurt Proctor, president of the NCPA Innovation Center. “(So,...

National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA)

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Next Day Access


Next Day Access on track to hit target 

December 30, 2022Tracy Orzel

BARTLETT, Tenn. - Next Day Access is more than halfway to its three-year goal of 50 locations, recently adding franchises in Kansas City, Oklahoma City and Fairfax, Va.  “Our focus is in North America—we opened up Canada about three years ago,” said Dave Clark, president. “Ideally, a good franchise territory is around 1 million to 1.5 million people. We find that to be the right amount for the revenue that someone is looking to earn in a market.”  In...

Accessibility, Home, Next Day Access

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CSMC strikes chord in Canada 

December 30, 2022Liz Beaulieu, Editor

BURLINGTON, Ontario – The 34th Canadian Seating and Mobility Conference in October was the only game in town in 2022, with the International Seating Symposium scheduled for March in Vancouver canceled, helping to boost attendance.  CSMC drew about 700 attendees, about 100 attendees shy of its record, says Steve Cranna, director of business development and government relations for VGM Canada, Mobility Group, which has hosted the event since 2009.  “The DNA of our conference...

Canadian Seating & Mobility Conference (CSMC), VGM Canada

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Cindy Wickens: ‘We believe in giving back’ 

December 30, 2022Tracy Orzel

TORONTO – Cindy Wickens, a founding partner of XPerience Home Healthcare in Windsor, Ontario, has been many firsts. She was the first female firefighter at Lakeshore Fire Department, its first female captain, and now she’s been named the first Canadian HME Woman of the Year by VGM Canada. HME News spoke to Wickens about her passion for service and giving back.  HME News: As a business owner and a firefighter of 33 years, you wear a lot of hats. How do you make it all work?  Cindy...

Canada, Cindy Wickens, HME Woman of The Year, VGM Canada, Xperience Home Healthcare

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The $64 million question: What is the value of HME?

December 30, 2022Liz Beaulieu, Editor

WATERLOO, Iowa – Alan Morris is back at VGM, but now he has eight years of valuable experience at a health system under his belt.   “I learned a lot about how organizations like these operate and how they depend on and interact with providers of home-based care services,” said Morris, who was named director of research and government strategies for VGM Government Relations in October. “I also learned what makes them tick from a financial and operations perspective.”  Here’s...

Alan Morris, VGM Government Relations

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Belluscura takes ‘big step’ internationally 

December 29, 2022HME News Staff

LONDON and PLANO, Texas – Belluscura has entered into its first international distribution agreement outside of the United States with MedHealth Supplies of South Africa. MedHealth has placed orders for 2022 and 2023, with deliveries starting immediately. “This is a big step in Belluscura’s expansion outside of the U.S.,” said Robert Rauker, CEO of Belluscura. MedHealth’s founders have a long history in the supplemental oxygen space, and we are excited to work...

Belluscura, Portable Oxygen Concentrator (POC), X-PLOR

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NRRTS searches for new leader 


NRRTS searches for new leader 

December 28, 2022HME News Staff

LUBBOCK, Texas – NRRTS has begun searching for an executive director to replace Weesie Walker, ATP/SMS.  Walker, who has led NRRTS for nine years, will remain involved in the organization, but will focus on the CRT Supplier Certificate Program.  “Few things in life can be more rewarding than supporting the professionals who provide technology for people with disabilities,” Walker wrote in “Weesie’s World” in the latest issue of the organization's...

Complex Rehab, executive director, National Registry of Rehabilitation Technology Suppliers (NRRTS)

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Also Noted

NRRTS launches webinar lineup 

December 28, 2022HME News Staff

LUBBOCK, Texas – NRRTS will kick off its 2023 webinar lineup with “What Parents Want CRT Suppliers to Know” on Jan. 10 at 7 p.m. EST. During the webinar, a panel made up of parents of children who use complex rehab technology will describe the skills they seek in a supplier, identify their expectations and name three ways the process of providing complex rehab could be improved. “Hearing their firsthand interactions will offer insight on what matters the most to them...

Complex Rehab, National Registry of Rehabilitation Technology Suppliers (NRRTS), Webinar

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OM, HSDA recognize diversity 

December 28, 2022HME News Staff

RICHMOND, Va. - Owens & Minor and the Healthcare Supplier Diversity Alliance (HSDA) have announced the winners of the 2022 Supplier Diversity Awards. The awards, which honor the legacy of Earl G. Reubel, recognize people and organizations that demonstrate an active, sustained commitment to advocating for greater supplier diversity in the health care supply chain for diverse or underrepresented populations. Winners were chosen in three categories:  Civic Leader of the Year: Carey...

2022, Award, Diversity, Owens & Minor, Supplier

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