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Archive: October 2013

Also Noted

Yoga may help lung function in COPD patients, study says

October 31, 2013HME News Staff

CHICAGO - People turn to yoga for relaxation, strength and flexibility, but according to a recent study, the ancient practice may have another benefit—improving lung function in COPD patients. The All India Institute of Medical Sciences conducted the study. Researchers had stable COPD patients practice physical poses, breathing techniques, cleansing techniques, meditation and relaxation for one hour a day, twice a week. Their formal training decreased as they began to practice at home. “We...

COPD, Lung function, yoga

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Also Noted

CMS lowers interest rates

October 31, 2013HME News Staff

WASHINGTON - CMS has announced a 0.5% decrease in the interest rate on Medicare overpayments and underpayments, according to a recent AAHomecare bulletin. The rate is now 10.125%. Interest on overpayments and underpayments begins to accrue on the date a refund is first requested. Rates are assessed every 30 days and are not prorated when overdue payments are received in the middle of a 30-day period, according to the bulletin. Interest charged on overpayments is reimbursed through an approved schedule....

AAHomecare, CMS, Interest rates, Medicare, Overpayments, underpayments

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Cardinal highlights AssuraMed in earnings report

October 31, 2013HME News Staff

DUBLIN, Ohio - Healthcare services giant Cardinal Health has reported revenue of $24.5 billion in the first quarter of 2014 compared to $25.9 billion for the same period in 2013, a 5% decrease.The company reported net earnings of $339 million for the quarter compared to $271 million for the same period in 2013, a 25% increase.Thanks to the 2013 acquisition of AssuraMed, a home medical equipment distributor, Cardinal's medical segment saw revenues grow 13% to $2.7 billion. The acquisition also helped...

AssuraMed, Cardinal Health

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Also Noted

AAH formalizes Manufacturers Work Group

October 31, 2013HME News Staff

WASHINGTON -AAHomecare has formalized its Manufacturers Work Group, the association stated in a recent bulletin. The group will now meet regularly to share information and facilitate cooperation, focusing on addressing legislative and regulatory issues that affect HME manufacturers. It will also share sales and marketing best practices, and promote AAHomecare membership to other manufacturers and providers. David McCausland, senior vice president of government affairs and planning at The Roho Group,...

AAHomecare, Cara Bachenheimer, David McCausland, Invacare, Manufacturers work group, the roho group

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Also Noted

Eternity Healthcare, GMEA to merge

October 30, 2013HME News Staff

PHOENIX and VANCOUVER, British Columbia - Eternity Healthcare, a medical device company, announced Oct. 30 that its plans to acquire Global Medical Equipment of America (GMEA), a holding company focused on medical equipment, supplies and accessories. As part of the deal, Eternity's headquarters will move to Phoenix and be led by GMEA's management. “This is a great opportunity for GMEA to join the public market, having access to various forms of funding and, with that in mind, grow the company...

Eternity Healthcare, Global Medical Equipment of America, Harold Halman

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Expect longer delays at the ALJ

October 30, 2013HME News Staff

WASHINGTON - The Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals (OMHA) will defer assignments for hearings—possibly up to 28 months, according to a recent notice. Requests for hearings received after July 15, 2013, will be entered into the agency's case processing system and held until there is room on an Administrative Law Judge's (ALJ) docket for adjudication. When a request is assigned, a notice will be sent, according to the notice. The ALJs have been backlogged for more than...

Appeal, Audit

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Also Noted

Theravent hits milestone in sleep disorder treatment

October 30, 2013HME News Staff

SAN JOSE, Calif. - Theravent's sleep apnea treatments have now been used for more than 4.5 million nights, the company announced Oct. 29. Theravent's Provent Sleep Apnea Therapy and Theravent Advanced Nightly Snore Therapy use expiratory positive airway pressure to treat obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and snoring. The machines cover a person's nostrils to create pressure as the person exhales, keeping the airway open. “We're pleased to see these therapies helping people around the world by treating...

CPAP, Expiratory Positive Airway Pressure (EPAP), Matt Williams, theravent, theravent advanced nightly snore therapy, theravent provent sleep apnea therapy

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Also Noted

People news: Nonin, CareTouch

October 30, 2013HME News Staff

Minneapolis-based Nonin Medical has appointed Richard Eagle vice president of sales. Eagle has more than 30 years experience with Class II and Class III medical devices, and will help Nonin increase revenues by addressing changes in global sales, evaluating partnerships and refining strategies…Denver-based CareTouch Communications has hired Zuri Nance as sales manager. Nance will develop and nurture new client relationships. He has experience in research, client development and contract negotiation,...

CareTouch Communications, Nonin Medical, richard eagle, zuri nance

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Also Noted

Florida pharmacy launches online store

October 29, 2013HME News Staff

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. - Family-owned Preston Pharmacy and Home Medical is reaching out to customers nationwide through a new online store, the company has announced. “After serving the Jacksonville area since 1954 as an independent retail pharmacy with home medical supplies, Preston Pharmacy and Home Medical has decided to take their knowledge and expertise of medical equipment to consumers in different parts of the country,” stated Tim Stiles, Preston Pharmacy owner, in a press release....

Online store, Preston Pharmacy and Home Medical, tim stiles

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On the Editor's Desk

Build up, don't tear down

October 29, 2013Liz Beaulieu, Editor

Managing Editor Theresa Flaherty and I couldn't help but scoff at a quote from CMS Administrator Marilyn Tavenner in a press release this week touting major savings for Medicare beneficiaries. You see, the standard monthly premium for Medicare Part B will stay the same in 2014 at $104.90. Which is good news, as Tavenner points out, for not only beneficiaries but also for taxpayers. But, in explaining why the premium will stay the same in 2014, Tavenner said: “We continue to work hard to keep...

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