Yoga may help lung function in COPD patients, study says
By HME News Staff
Updated Thu October 31, 2013
CHICAGO - People turn to yoga for relaxation, strength and flexibility, but according to a recent study, the ancient practice may have another benefit—improving lung function in COPD patients. The All India Institute of Medical Sciences conducted the study. Researchers had stable COPD patients practice physical poses, breathing techniques, cleansing techniques, meditation and relaxation for one hour a day, twice a week. Their formal training decreased as they began to practice at home. “We investigated to see whether simple, structured yoga training affects the level of inflammation, shortness of breath, and quality of life in patients with stable COPD," said Randeep Guleria, professor and head of the department of pulmonary medicine and sleep disorders. "We found that yoga can be a simple, cost-effective method that can help improve quality of life in patients with COPD.”