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Archive: December 2012


Do you know these repeat offenders?

December 28, 2012Andrea Stark

Gaining insight into the procedures that are most commonly denied by payers and evaluating the reason codes that accompany the denials can help suppliers modify their clinical documentation and billing practices to prevent denials, reduce claims rework, and improve their cash flow.Below are the top five most commonly denied procedures for HME providers during the time period between May 28, 2012, and Aug. 27, 2012. The data was compiled from the RemitData database that houses 25% of all national...

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Also Noted

Provider interviewed for CBS Miami competitive bidding story

December 28, 2012HME News Staff

MIAMI - A CBS affiliate in Miami will air a story about competitive bidding that will feature Rob Brant, a bid winner whose HME business is now closed. The story, which will air Friday, Dec. 28, will also feature an oxygen patient who could not get service from another oxygen provider after Brant's business closed. The story also reviews the market-pricing program and features interviews with other area providers and legislators.

Competitive Bidding, Market Pricing Program (MPP), Rob Brant


Indie companies 'chugging along'

December 28, 2012Elizabeth Deprey

Editor's note: This is the last in a three-part series. YARMOUTH, Maine - National companies might be on the buying path these days, but some independent providers say they're here to stay—even if it's not easy. “It's hard to maintain the high quality service—the way we did things years ago—and keep the doors open,” said Mike Osborn, co-owner of Ozark, Mo.-based Alliance Rehab and Medical Equipment. “Reimbursement has changed so much, and...

Mobility, PMD, Provider, Wheelchair

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Work-in-progress approach wins

December 28, 2012Jennifer Keirn

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. - When David Hartley purchased a tiny $300,000 orthopedics company in 2004 to create Home Health Depot, he was driven by the poor standards of care he observed as a rehab manufacturer's rep.“I absolutely could not believe the dysfunction in our industry,” said Hartley, CEO of Home Health Depot. “It was systemic. There were horror stories of people waiting six months for a chair. I said, 'There has to be a better way.'”Home Health Depot was awarded the 2012...

HME Excellence Awards, Home Medical Equipment (HME)

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Providers react: 'We're not going to help them'

December 28, 2012Liz Beaulieu, Editor

MURRYSVILLE, Pa. - Philips Respironics may have every right to sell replacement supplies for CPAP devices through Kroger retail pharmacies, but that doesn't mean HME providers have to like it one bit. “My first reaction was outrage,” said Jamie Blair, vice president of Genesis Respiratory Services in New Boston, Ohio, and a respiratory therapist. “It's another competitor I have to deal with.” Providers have consulted the Ohio Respiratory Care Board, but it doesn't...

CPAP, Genesis Respiratory Services, Kroger, Med-Ox Home Medical, Pharmacy, Philips Respironics

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Walker, rollator customers say, 'Bling my ride'

December 28, 2012Elizabeth Deprey

NEW BERLIN, Wis. - Who says walkers and rollators can't be fly? Not Home Care Medical, which recently launched a campaign to personalize the often-utilitarian items.The provider's “Bling Your Ride” promotion, features walker bags, cane holders, cup holders, and seat and back covers that offer stylish options for customers.“They can design their walkers or rollators the way they want,” said Heather Lotz-Klug, manager of retail sales. “These items are practical yet edgy...

Home Medical Equipment (HME), Retail, rollators, walkers

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In brief: Industry keeps up pressure, ResMed nears CEO decision

December 28, 2012HME News Staff

WASHINGTON - It's impossible to predict whether lawmakers will reach a deal on the so-called fiscal cliff by the new year, but HME industry stakeholders say don't get distracted by the bigger picture. “We are focused on getting as much support as quickly as possible on the market-pricing program (MPP),” said Jay Witter, senior director of government affairs for AAHomecare. “We are moving in the right direction and Rep. Price has said he's pleased with the progress.”...

AAHomecare, Competitive Bidding, Market Pricing Program (MPP), ResMed

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In wake of agreement, new normal for Invacare, providers

December 28, 2012Liz Beaulieu, Editor

ELYRIA, Ohio - A Dec. 21 agreement with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will limit operations at Invacare's Taylor Street manufacturing facility, but HME providers will still have access to the manufacturer's manual and power wheelchairs, says Gerry Blouch, president and CEO.Invacare may continue to manufacture and distribute wheelchairs and seating systems under certain conditions: when a patient requests the same or newer version of an existing product and the clinician submits a form acknowledging...


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Also Noted

AMEPA announces winners of Outstanding Advocate Award

December 28, 2012HME News Staff

MIAMI - Jerry and Amanda Hall of Hall-Moore Medical Supply in Jacksonville, Fla., are the recipients of the 2012 Robert Arado Outstanding Advocate Award, according to an AMEPA newsletter. The award is given to the provider who “has truly made a difference for the survival of the HME industry through personal commitment,” the newsletter said. While the Halls' business was not directly affected by Round 1 of competitive bidding, they traveled to Washington, D.C., to meet with Florida...

Accredited Medical Equip Prov of America (AMEPA), Hall-Moore Medical Supplies, Robert Arado

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South Carolina: Taxation without compensation

December 28, 2012Elizabeth Deprey

COLUMBIA, S.C. - It took seven long years, but Bobby Horton will finally see his hard work pay off as of Jan. 1, 2013.That's when home medical equipment in South Carolina will be officially exempt from the state's 6% sales tax.“We're the only industry in the state that had to pay sales tax but couldn't collect it,” said Bobby Horton, executive director of the South Carolina Medical Equipment Services Association.In June 2011, the South Carolina General Assembly passed a bill that exempted...

Home Medical Equipment (HME)

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