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Tag: Power mobility

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Power mobility guideline for infants and toddlers introduced

February 16, 2022HME News Staff

STOCKHOLM – The first guideline on introducing powered mobility to infants and toddlers has been released, according to Permobil. “A Guideline for Introducing Powered Mobility to Infants and Toddlers” is an interdisciplinary guideline based on peer-reviewed literature and validated consensus statements from more than 40 international clinicians and caregivers that provides critical strategies and practical tips for clinicians working with powered mobility. “Despite there being...

Permobil, Power mobility

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Also Noted

Study: Power mobility devices empower kids

November 20, 2020HME News Staff

LEBANON, Tenn. - Power mobility devices can help young children with mobility impairments develop cognitive, reasoning and spatial skills, according to a new study published in “Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics.” The study, which was funded by Permobil, looked at 33 children aged between 6 months to 36 months who experience mobility limitations. It found that young children demonstrated self-initiated mobility through the use of a powered mobility device, in this case, the...

Permobil, Power mobility

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Stakeholders spotlight flaws in PMD repair process

November 27, 2019Liz Beaulieu, Editor

WASHINGTON - An upcoming review of PMD repairs by the Office of Inspector General raises the stakes for providers who are already grappling with a requirement that doesn't always match every day realities. That requirement: Before the date of service of a repair, providers must ensure there's documentation from the past 12 months showing “continued need” for the wheelchair. If it's not already in the medical record, stakeholders say it can take days to get, if not weeks if the patient...

PMD repairs, Power mobility, U.S. Rehab

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OIG to review PAP supplies, PMD repairs

October 18, 2019HME News Staff

WASHINGTON - The Office of Inspector General has updated its Work Plan to include new reviews for PAP replacement supplies and power mobility device repairs. Medicare paid approximately $945.8 million for replacement supplies in 2017 and 2018, but OIG has previously found that most claims did not comply with Medicare requirements. For supplies and accessories used periodically, orders must specify the type of supplies needed, the frequency of use, if applicable, and the quantity to be dispensed,...

PMD repairs, Power mobility

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Approved PAR? Proceed with caution, consultants say

September 6, 2019Liz Beaulieu, Editor

YARMOUTH, Maine - Industry consultants warn a recent uptick in the number of approved prior authorization requests (PARs) isn't always a good thing. Consultant Martin Szmal has noticed clients receiving an increasing number of wrongly approved PARs, putting their clients at risk in potential audits. “If a provider provides equipment on an affirmative PAR and it's later audited and determined the decision was made on incorrect information, that provider would still be held liable...

Power mobility, Prior Authorization

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PA program spreads out

August 24, 2018Liz Beaulieu, Editor

WASHINGTON - Industry stakeholders expect it to be mostly business as usual on Sept. 1, when CMS is set to expand a demonstration project requiring prior authorizations for standard power mobility devices nationwide. Prior authorizations for these devices were previously required in 19 states. “We remain optimistic because the demonstration has been mostly successful so far,” said consultant Sylvia Toscano, owner of Professional Medical Administrators. Already part of the National...

PMD demo, Power mobility, Prior Authorization

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Also Noted

CMS issues guidance on national PA program

August 9, 2018HME News Staff

WASHINGTON - CMS has published guidance for power mobility device providers on the transition to the national prior authorization program. “Inclusion of Power Mobility Device Codes in the Prior Authorization Program for Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics and Supplies (DMEPOS) Items” lists all the HCPCS codes that will be included in the program starting Sept. 1, according to a bulletin from AAHomecare. For states not currently in the demonstration, the MACs will start accepting...

PMD demo, Power mobility, Prior Authorization

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Also Noted

PMDRX gets representation

July 2, 2015HME News Staff

GLENDALE, Ariz. - PMDRX has signed an exclusive territorial marketing agreement with MSL Associates in Tampa, Fla. MSL, a marketing, sales and logistics company, has representation in 21 states and Puerto Rico. Its staff includes ATPs, PTs, personal trainers and other healthcare professionals. PMDRX is a web-based mobility exam and documentation solution used by prescribing medical practitioners that integrates with mobility providers to ensure compliance. “Thousands of practitioners, including...

Documentation, Power mobility

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Also Noted

U.S. Rehab revamps training program

March 17, 2015HME News Staff

WATERLOO, Iowa - U.S. Rehab, a division of The VGM Group, has revamped its popular Tech Training program to provide a “deeper dive” into repairs for power mobility equipment. The program now has two tracks: online training for newer repair techs; and in-person, advanced training for techs with two or more years of experience. Training will be provided by Richard Fuller of Richard Fuller Consulting; Elizabeth Cole, clinical director of U.S. Rehab; and Permobil, Invacare, Motion Concepts...

Power mobility, Repairs, Training, U.S. Rehab

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PMD claims without G codes spell trouble, OIG says

February 13, 2015Tracy Orzel

WASHINGTON - Providers shouldn't be held responsible for power mobility device (PMD) claims without G codes, stakeholders say.The Office of Inspector General (OIG) found that for PMD claims without a corresponding G code Medicare did not always make payments in accordance with federal requirements for the face-to-face examination of beneficiaries, according to a new report.Of 100 sample claims without a corresponding G code, the OIG found 53 met the requirements and 47 did not.What Martin Szmal,...

G-code, Power mobility

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