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Tag: Melanie Combs-Dyer


e-prescribing: ‘There’s no silver bullet’

February 19, 2025Liz Beaulieu, Editor

DALLAS – Dave Doernemann of CCS Medical was as skeptical as the next provider about e-prescribing, but during a Medtrade session on Tuesday, he said he can no longer imagine living without the technology.  Doernemann, senior vice president of commercial operations, said CCS has a patient base that tops 200,000 and that 40% of new orders are now coming in digitally.  “I used to have a flip phone and a fax machine – that was my life,” he said. “When e-prescribing...

CCS Medical, Craig Douglas, Dave Doernemann, David Gelbard, e-prescribing, Melanie Combs-Dyer, Parachute Health, VGM

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CMS taps CPAP, oxygen for documentation pilot

May 25, 2018Liz Beaulieu, Editor

WASHINGTON - The ears of HME providers perked up during last week's AAHomecare Washington Legislative Conference, when CMS's Melanie Combs-Dyer said the agency was working on a documentation requirement lookup service for prescribing providers.Combs-Dyer, the acting deputy director of the Center for Program Integrity, said CMS plans to pilot the service, which allows prescribing providers to look up documentation requirements at the time of service from their EHR or practice management system,...

CPAP, Documentation, Melanie Combs-Dyer, Oxygen

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