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Tag: Jim Lenker

Jim Lenker


RESNA’s new president looks to next generation

September 13, 2024Liz Beaulieu, Editor

BUFFALO, N.Y. – One of Jim Lenker’s main goals in his two-year tenure as president of RESNA is to “approach, recruit and teach” younger people to the field of assistive technology.  Here’s what Lenker, PhD, OTR/L, RESNA Fellow, who is an associate professor within the Department of Rehabilitation Science at the University of Buffalo in Buffalo, N.Y., had to say about why it's important to expand the organization’s community to include early career or...

Complex Rehab Technology (CRT), Jim Lenker, RESNA

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Also Noted

RESNA announces new officers, board members 

July 30, 2024HME News Staff

ARLINGTON, Va. – RESNA has named Jim Lenker, PhD, OTR/L, RESNA Fellow, as its president effective Aug 1. Lenker, who is an associate professor within the Department of Rehabilitation Science at the University of Buffalo in Buffalo, N.Y., will serve a two-year term then become immediate past-president. Other new officers are Rita Stanley, RESNA Fellow, currently a private consultant and formerly vice president of government relations for Sunrise Medical, as president-elect; Alisa Brownlee, ATP,...

Board of Directors, Jim Lenker, RESNA

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