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Tag: Caitlyn Hiland

Caitlyn Hiland

Specialty Providers

CGM bill aims to preserve two-channel option

February 14, 2025Theresa Flaherty, Managing Editor

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – A new bill in Arkansas is the first on a state level to try and stem the “migration” of coverage for continuous glucose monitors to a pharmacy-only benefit.  Introduced Jan. 27, HB1255 would amend existing Medicaid coverage of CGMs to allow beneficiaries to obtain CGMs through the DME benefit and would allow DME providers to bill for the devices using a HCPCS code rather than the national drug code number used by pharmacies.  “We don't...

AAHomecare, Arkansas, Caitlyn Hiland, Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM), David Chandler, Diabetes

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