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Tag: Arti Masturzo

Arti Masturzo

Specialty Providers

DME providers can help physicians manage diabetes population, study finds

March 21, 2025Theresa Flaherty, Managing Editor

DALLAS – The No. 1 reason physicians cite for not prescribing a continuous glucose monitor is its complexity, a roadblock that DME providers can help clear, according to a new study from CCS.  That complexity, along with a surge in the number of diabetes patients, leaves primary care physicians and endocrinologists feeling overwhelmed and not able to keep up-to-date on technology, and, ultimately, struggling to offer enough health coaching and education to their patients. That creates...

Arti Masturzo, CCS, Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM), Diabetes

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Arti Masturzo

Specialty Providers

CCS powers ‘health care journey at home’

February 17, 2023Theresa Flaherty, Managing Editor

DALLAS – As a practicing physician, Arti Masturzo, CCS Medical’s first-ever chief medical officer, knows it’s hard to inspire patients to follow advice that will make them healthier.  “I’m a big believer that everyone in health care, every interaction we have with the patient, we owe it to that patient to maximize the impact we have during that interaction,” she said. “When we get patients to trust us, they stay with us for years, and I look at this...

Arti Masturzo, CCS, Diabetes

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