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United Spinal relaunches Corporate Challenge

United Spinal relaunches Corporate Challenge

NEW YORK – United Spinal Association has relaunched its Corporate Challenge, a program aimed at encouraging companies to seek allyship with the disability community and to support disability inclusion. The relaunch, featuring a new look and new content, coincides with the 34th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Disability Pride Month. “The Corporate Challenge is a call to action to the business community to raise awareness about the importance of disability inclusion,” said AJ Assaadi, vice president of corporate partnerships. “We’re helping companies inspire other companies to make inclusive corporate culture the baseline. Together, we’re cultivating a strategic business mindset around disability inclusion based on the lived experience and desires of United Spinal's constituency: the 5.5 million wheelchair users living in the U.S.” The Challenge prompts entrants to reflect on a series of topics relating to accessibility and the recruitment, empowerment and retention of employees with disabilities. It covers fundamentals around physical and digital accessibility of workplaces and emphasizes the effective use of tools available to employers, such as disability etiquette training and employee resource groups. By completing the Challenge, entrants receive a Corporate Challenge medallion and publicity via United Spinal’s extensive social media presence.


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