FRANKLIN, Tenn. - National Seating & Mobility has opened up its annual symposium to physical therapists and occupational therapists. The symposium, slated to take place April 21 to 25 in Scottsdale, Ariz., typically hosts only the provider's network of rehabilitation technology suppliers. RTSs attend the symposium to sharpen their seating and mobility skills, earn continuing education credits (CEUs) and check out new products. This year, however, NSM expects 100 therapists to join RTSs at the Doubletree Paradise Valley Resort. "Therapists have come to us and asked us why we don't bring them in," said Bill Noelting, NSM's vice president of marketing. "They say, 'We're the ones who often refer these products, so it's the perfect place for us.'" The symposium features separate agendas for RTSs and therapists (although, there is some overlap). Topics covered will include the RTS/therapist partnership and coordinating equipment with the environment.