Money on the table
By Theresa Flaherty, Managing Editor
Updated Tue July 14, 2009
We just shipped our August (!) issue off to the printer today. The issue features two separate stories on patient education for diabetes patients. One story is about a distributor, H.D. Smith that has developed a program that providers can customize to use with their own patients. This allows the provider to market themselves to referral services as offering more than just strips and meters.
The other is about a mail-order provider who is in the process of launching such a program. That provider, Mark Libratore, CEO of Liberator Medical, is very passionate about the diabetes market and its opportunities—both from a business perspective and also, the chance to help patients. He forwarded me some numbers from the American Association of Diabetes Educators.
Here's the one that should perk our readers up the most:
60% of people with diabetes should receive formal diabetes education. However, only about 1% of Medicare beneficiaries received self-management training in 2004 and 2005.
Theresa Flaherty