Comfort Medical expands awareness of 'Woody Packs'
By HME News Staff
Updated Tue October 4, 2016
CORAL SPRINGS, Fla. - Comfort Medical, a mail-order provider of urological and ostomy supplies, and Wheel:Life, a social community for wheelchair users, have announced a new partnership with The Woody Foundation, a not-for-profit that raises funds for the recovery of those with paralysis. Together, they will work to expand awareness of a free nationwide program that provides “Woody Packs” to quadriplegics and other people with limited hand dexterity due to paralysis. The packs include ID holders with a retractable cord to attach to a wheelchair; grip tape; adaptive forks and spoons; a cup with a closeable top and long straws; a wheelchair cup holder; a wheelchair side bag; and a handi-zap (a ring with a stylus attached that can be used on different types of electronic and touch screen devices).