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Archive: 2017

Smart Talk

Oxygen Management: Weigh costs of delivery model

December 29, 2017George Coppola

A. With the recent cuts in reimbursement, home care providers are looking to get every penny out of every transaction. Taking advantage of an oxygen non-delivery model eliminates service costs for the provider and puts them in position to thrive in the low reimbursement era. Most manufacturers have designed products and crafted programs designed to make this possible for providers. A good option to convert an existing fleet is to look into the pricing options on bundling portable and stationary...

CAIRE, George Coppola, Oxygen management

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In brief: Coloplast buys another provider, Medline triples footprint

December 29, 2017HME News Staff

MINNEAPOLIS - Coloplast, which has its U.S. headquarters here but is based in Denmark, announced this month that it has acquired SAS Lilial for a cash consideration of EUR 35.5m or DKK 264m.Lilial is a privately owned French company that distributes catheter and ostomy supplies nationally. It provides patients with products from several different manufacturers, including Coloplast.“The acquisition of SAS Lilial is part of our strategy of pursuing inorganic opportunities to accelerate...

Coloplast, Golden Technologies, Medline, Permobil, spinlife

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New audit software helps to identify potential problems

December 29, 2017Jeff Rowe

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. - It's no secret that audits, and all the administrative complexities that accompany them, have been the bane of the HME industry for years. But a recently formed partnership between HME stakeholders aims to change that.Dubbed RxCloud9, LLC, the partnership between HME business owners and a HME billing software developer is poised to release a software package that aims to simplify—and, more importantly, clarify—the audit process.“The value in this product...


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Smart Talk

HIPAA Security: Assess additional security needs

December 29, 2017Ebba Blitz

A. The GDPR, effective May 25, 2018, requires a number of new data protection obligations for everyone who does business in and with the European Union. EU data protection law will extend to all foreign companies processing the data of EU residents.One of the key requirements is that SMBs must have a technical solution in place and organizational measures that demonstrate compliance.Another important change is the replacement of the Safe Harbor by Privacy Shieldwhich...

Ebba Blitz, IT security

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Consider us 'woke'

December 29, 2017Theresa Flaherty, Managing Editor

One of the many tasks the editors at HME News field is drumming up a newspoll each month. Sometimes the questions are better than others, and sometimes what seemed like a great question, on second read, after the poll already goes out, seem obvious. This month's topic, Amazon, definitely generated lots of comments on the impact of the Amazon effect. “Amazon's suicide pricing will (if unchecked) destroy our industry exactly like they destroyed the retail industry.” For this, and other...

HME News, Home Medical Equipment (HME)

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Game changer: LOONZ clears assessment hurdles

December 29, 2017Liz Beaulieu, Editor

  BURNET, Texas - With a Bluetooth-enabled specialty drive control and now a video game that can be used as a training and assessment tool, Gabriel Romero feels like Stealth Products is finally in a place where it's keeping up with mainstream technology. “My background is in computer science, so anything involving programming or electronics in our industry, I've taken to,” said Romero, vice president of sales and marketing for Stealth Products, a division of Quantum...

Gabriel Romero, LOONZ, Stealth Products, Wheelchair

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Smart Talk

Machine learning: Match patient with provider

December 29, 2017Steve Wogen

A. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning have been integrated in our daily lives from social media interactions, retail shopping and now healthcare. Unlike the retail industry, where ads are triggered based on a web user's interest, the healthcare industry uses predictive analysis to learn more about patients and improve their health outcomes, which in turn can lead to cost savings. Machine learning platforms help identify potential issues or gaps in care. By doing this, we can...

Artificial Intelligence (AI), CareCentrix, Machine learning, Steve Wogen

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Enter Amazon? Negative impact would be felt far and wide, say poll respondents

December 29, 2017Theresa Flaherty, Managing Editor

YARMOUTH, Maine - Unsurprisingly, a large majority of providers fear the “Amazon effect” on the DME market, according to the results of a recent HME Newspoll.While Amazon already offers basic DME, the retail giant has reportedly applied for wholesale distribution licenses in more than a dozen states for “durable medical equipment distribution, medical gas distribution, or both,” according to multiple news reports. “I don't like things such as oxygen being offered...


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Q&A: Peter Kopp

December 29, 2017Liz Beaulieu, Editor

DENVER - The Kids Mobility Network hit $5 million in donated wheelchairs, walkers and other mobility equipment in November. Here's what Peter Kopp, who founded the nonprofit with his wife Christy, had to say about the difficulties of doing good.HME News: You first started accepting donated equipment in 2005, with the goal of refurbishing it and getting it back in the hands of children with disabilities. What's surprised you on this journey? Peter Kopp: The demand is so much greater than we...

Kids Mobility Network, Peter Kopp

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Smart Talk

Patient Data: Find way to be relevant

December 29, 2017Ryan Ball

A. Most HME providers already have an existing database of patients and capture key information during the intake process; so, what's the next step? What products and strategies are most effective? How can you measure success?As with all marketing, you must find a way to be relevant to the audience; data can help target different products based on demographics and disease state. In addition to understanding patient challenges based on the equipment you provide, timing is also a significant...

Patient data, Ryan Ball

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