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Archive: November 2012


M&A: End of year uptick could signal busy spring

November 30, 2012Theresa Flaherty, Managing Editor

YARMOUTH, Maine - With Round 2 imminent, buyers and sellers alike are getting off the fence, say M&A analysts. "I think it's sinking in that Round 2 is going to happen," said Rick Glass, president of Steven Richards & Associates in Tarpon Springs, Fla. "Providers are splitting into groups: those that think they know how to make it work at the new rates, and those that are looking for an exit strategy." The fourth-quarter has seen a flurry of deals, mostly strong regional players acquiring...

Duckridge Advisors, Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A), Paragon Ventures, Steven Richards & Associates

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Also Noted

NorCal Respiratory buys Intermountain Respiratory

November 30, 2012HME News Staff

REDDING, Calif. - NorCal Respiratory, a provider of sleep apnea and respiratory equipment, recently acquired Intermountain Respiratory from Mayers Memorial Hospital District in Fall River Mills, Calif. “Our experience and success with home sleep testing and sleep apnea management has helped NorCal establish a strong presence in California's northstate medical community,” stated Jim Rehmann, president of NorCal, in a press release. “Extending those services up to the mountain regions...

Intermountain Respiratory, NorCal Respiratory

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H.R. 6490: 100 co-sponsors or bust

November 30, 2012Liz Beaulieu, Editor

WASHINGTON - With 59 co-sponsors in their back pockets and organized lobbying efforts scheduled for Dec. 4 and 5, industry stakeholders have direct aim at 100 co-sponsors for H.R. 6490. “Here's hoping we can generate the noise needed to bring that other 40-plus co-sponsors on board,” said Wayne Stanfield, president and CEO of NAIMES. “Because it's coming down to one simple thing: If we don't have 100 or more, we're done.” When it comes to co-sponsors,...

CMS, Competitive Bidding, Invacare, Market Pricing Program (MPP), NAIMES, Tom Price

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Also Noted

Apria taps new CEO

November 30, 2012HME News Staff

LAKE FOREST, Calif. - Apria Healthcare has named John Figueroa as its new CEO and chairman of its board of directors, according to a press release. Figueroa will also assume the position of CEO for Apria's Coram home infusion unit. Figueroa most recently served as CEO and board member of Cincinnati-based Omnicare, a pharmaceutical company. He will succeed Norman Payson, MD, who recently announced his intention to retire. Payson will continue to provide Apria with counsel as senior adviser and as...

Apria, John Figueroa

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OIG updates Congress on fraud efforts

November 30, 2012HME News Staff

WASHINGTON - The Office of Inspector General (OIG) expects to recover $6.9 billion and exclude 3,131 individuals and entities from participating in federal healthcare programs in fiscal year 2012, according to its Semiannual Report to Congress published Nov. 27.Of the OIG's recoveries, $924 million were audit receivables and $6 billion were investigative receivables. Of the exclusions, 778 were criminal actions against individuals or entities that engaged in crimes against Health and Human Services...

CPAP, Medicare, Office of Inspector General (OIG)

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CMS to providers: Is your bid bona fide?

November 30, 2012Liz Beaulieu, Editor

WASHINGTON - It appears CMS still has a ways to go before releasing the single payment amounts for Round 2 of competitive bidding.The agency on Nov. 29 sent certain providers who submitted bids an email alerting them to expect an “urgent notification” that requires their “immediate attention and action,” but it wasn't a contract offer.“They are bona fide letters,” said Chris Rice, CEO of Diamond Respiratory Care in Riverside, Calif., who received a letter.The letters...

Accredited Medical Equip Prov of America (AMEPA), CMS, Competitive Bidding, CPAP, Diamond Respiratory Care, NAIMES

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In brief: Apria taps new CEO, C&C Homecare buys Allcare

November 30, 2012HME News Staff

LAKE FOREST, Calif. - Apria Healthcare has named John Figueroa as its new CEO and chairman of its board of directors, according to a press release. Figueroa will also assume the position of CEO for Apria's Coram home infusion unit. Figueroa most recently served as CEO and board member of Cincinnati-based Omnicare, a pharmaceutical company. He will succeed Norman Payson, MD, who recently announced his intention to retire. Payson will continue to provide Apria with counsel as senior adviser and...

Apria, C&C Homecare, John Figueroa, Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A)

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Also Noted

van Halem Group, OPGA form partnership

November 29, 2012HME News Staff

WATERLOO, Iowa - As part of a new partnership, the Orthotic and Prosthetic Group of America (OPGA) will now refer members who need help with audits, appeal cases, compliance and other issues related to fraud and abuse to the van Halem Group. “Never before has the orthotic and prosthetic industry been under such intense scrutiny,” stated Wayne van Halem, president of the Atlanta-based consulting firm, in a press release. The OPGA represents 1,200 locations.

Orthotic & Prosthetic Group of America (OPGA), Van Halem

On the Editor's Desk

Time for a pop quiz

November 29, 2012Liz Beaulieu, Editor

In honor of 1.) the 2011 data finally being added to our HME Databank (thank you for your patience!) and 2.) the 2012 State of the Industry Report appearing in our December issue, I have a little pop quiz for you. HME Databank 1.)    Who were the top five providers of CPAP devices (E0601) in 2011?2.)    Who was the No. 1 provider of blood glucose strips in New York?3.)    How much did Medicare spend on oxygen concentrators (E1390) in 2011?4.)  ...

Data, HME Databank, Home Medical Equipment (HME), State of the Industry

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How does your insurance market stack up?

November 29, 2012HME News Staff

CHICAGO - The health insurance market is rapidly consolidating, according to a new report by the American Medical Association (AMA).The report, released Nov. 28, examines insurer competition for point-of-service plans (POS), health maintenance organizations (HMO) and preferred provider organizations (PPO).“The broad scope of the new AMA analysis provides the most complete picture of the consolidation trend in health insurance markets,” stated Jeremy Lazarus, AMA president, in a release....

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