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Archive: May 2010

On the Editor's Desk

NewsWire preview: Stakeholders set stage for legislation

May 28, 2010Liz Beaulieu, Editor

The steering committee working to create a separate benefit for complex rehab has a draft report outlining a legislative and regulatory roadmap in its hands. Avalere Health Group generated the report and presented it to the committee for review and revisions. “We're in the process of analyzing it,” said Don Clayback, executive director of NCART. “Avalere's engagement is two steps: One is to present the legislative and regulatory roadmap and, once we review that and either...

Avalere, Don Clayback, On The Editor's Desk, separate benefit

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Executive Session

What do you think? Does the 80/20 rule hold true for HME providers?

May 28, 2010Mike Moran

I've traveled more miles and talked face-to-face to more HME providers over the past three weeks than the previous four months of 2010 combined. First at Medtrade spring; then at the annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Association of Medical Equipment Suppliers (PAMS); and last week at the annual meeting of the New England Medical Equipment Dealers Association (NEMED), right here in my hometown of Portland, Maine. It was a great few weeks. With the Memorial Day weekend staring us in the face, I'm...

Executive Session, Pete Ashkenaz

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CMS to providers: No PECOS grace period

May 27, 2010Mike Moran

BALTIMORE - CMS officials aren't cutting HME providers any slack when it comes to complying with the July 6 deadline for the Provider Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System (PECOS). HME providers who take Medicare referrals on or after July 6 from physicians not enrolled in PECOS risk having those claims rejected, CMS officials stated during last week's Open Door Forum. Some providers believed they had until Jan. 3, 2011, before those claims would be denied, but that is not the case, said CMS's...

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Separate benefit for complex rehab: Stakeholders set stage for legislation

May 27, 2010Liz Beaulieu, Editor

BUFFALO, N.Y. - The steering committee working to create a separate benefit for complex rehab had a draft report outlining a legislative and regulatory roadmap in its hands last week. Avalere Health Group generated the report and presented it to the committee for review and revisions. "We're in the process of analyzing it," said Don Clayback, executive director of NCART, on May 27. "Avalere's engagement is two steps: One is to present the legislative and regulatory roadmap and, once we review that...

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Red Flags Rule delayed again

May 27, 2010HME News Staff

WASHINGTON - The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has delayed its enforcement of the "Red Flags" Rule until Dec. 31, 2010, it announced this morning. It was slated to begin enforcing the rule June 1. The FTC said in a release that it had been asked by members of Congress for the delay so it would have time to consider legislation that would limit who was affected by the rule. "Congress needs to fix the unintended consequences of the legislation establishing the Red Flags Rule--and to fix this problem...

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Industry keeps pressure on to repeal competitive bidding

May 27, 2010Theresa Flaherty, Managing Editor

WASHINGTON - It was relatively quiet in Washington last week, but with winning amounts expected to be announced for competitive bidding this month, the race continues to repeal the program, stakeholders say. "CMS is marching forward so it's our job to make sure this is on the radar screen," said Cara Bachenheimer, senior vice president of government relations for Invacare. Currently, H.R. 3790 has 243 co-sponsors, but the industry is still looking for a senate champion to sponsor a companion bill. Stakeholders...

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In brief: Red Flags Rule delayed, FDA studies medical equipment

May 27, 2010HME News Staff

BALTIMORE - The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has delayed the implementation of the Red Flags Rule from June 1 to Dec. 31, 2010, it announced Friday. The FTC said it had been asked by members of Congress for the delay so that lawmakers could consider legislation that addresses who the rule would affect. The Red Flags Rule requires "creditors" to put identity theft measures in place. DMEs are considered creditors any time they don't collect payment upfront. Physicians and other healthcare professionals...

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NCAMES's Beth Bowen: Media 'stands up and pays attention' to 'suicide bidding'

May 27, 2010Liz Beaulieu, Editor

RALEIGH, N.C. - There are few state associations that have been more successful placing stories about "suicide bidding" with local newspapers and TV and radio stations than the North Carolina Association of Medical Equipment Services (NCAMES). The association features those stories prominently on its Web site, along with homegrown press releases and podcasts. Here's what Executive Director Beth Bowen had to say about the importance of courting the media. HME News: What's the secret to NCAMES's success? Beth...

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Who cares about sugar-free cookies and ID jewelry when you can raise a toast to Baja Bob?

May 26, 2010Theresa Flaherty, Managing Editor

Over cocktails last night, my roommate and I were discussing how many advances have been made in medicine, and in products in general, over the last several decades (we're both health news junkies). I mentioned that I often remind myself how lucky I am that I wasn't born 100 years ago, before insulin was invented. Fast forward to 2010 and there's all kinds of fun stuff out there for the sugar-challenged. Case in point: This afternoon my attention was caught by a co-worker unpacking what looked like...

Diabetes, e-SP, sugar-free

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CMS to providers: No PECOS grace period

May 26, 2010Mike Moran

BALTIMORE - CMS officials aren't cutting HME providers any slack when it comes to complying with the July 6 deadline for Provider Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System (PECOS). HME providers who take Medicare referrals on or after July 6 from physicians not enrolled in PECOS risk having those claims rejected, CMS officials stated during Wednesday's Open Door Forum. Some providers believed they had until Jan. 3, 2011, before those claims would be denied, but that is not the case, said CMS's Jim...

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