Signifier ‘starting to make significant inroads’

By Theresa Flaherty, Managing Editor
Updated 10:11 AM CST, Fri January 3, 2025
NEEDHAM, Mass. – With a HCPCS code and two major distribution agreements in hand, Signifier Medical Technologies is creating a path for itself and sleep stakeholders looking for an alternative to CPAP devices, says Yasser Zayni, head of commercial, clinical and compliance.
“CPAP has been around for many years, and it works great for many patients; however, there is a significant proportion of the obstructive sleep apnea patient population that doesn't tolerate CPAP,” he said. “We're providing a true alternative that treats a root cause of the disease and doesn’t just alleviate the symptoms.”
Signifier Medical has signed partnerships with Rotech Healthcare and Spectrum Sleep Solutions to distribute its eXciteOSA, a device that allows daytime treatment for approximately 20 minutes twice a day for the initial treatment period.
Zayni spoke with HME News recently about the company’s progress in raising awareness of its alternative therapy and the benefits of early intervention.
HME News: CPAP has been the gold standard in treatment for OSA for decades. Are you starting to get buy-in for the eXciteOSA from CPAP providers?
Yasser Zayni: It’s been a challenge because distributors realize recurring revenue with the resupply, the masks, the hoses every three months or so. Taking on board a new product (is a tough sell); however, since CMS issued the HCPCS, we are starting to make significant inroads in those discussions. We're starting to show a robust revenue channel for them that they could introduce into their business model.
HME: Why are so many sleep physicians and patients looking for an alternative to CPAP?
Zayni: CPAP has been around for many years and it works great for many patients; however, there is a significant proportion of the OSA patient population that doesn't tolerate CPAP who are looking for alternatives because, otherwise, they go without addressing the OSA or their adherence to CPAP is extremely low or not at all because they just reject using it.
HME: One benefit of the eXciteOSA device is that it truly allows for the treatment of mild sleep apnea. Why is that so important?
Zayni: OSA is recognized as a progressive condition that requires early intervention to prevent its advancement and the onset of related co-morbidities. There’s a growing understanding of the importance of addressing mild OSA early to achieve better long-term outcomes for patients.