QUEENS, N.Y. - Medstar Surgical moved into a big, beautiful warehouse in early April and owner Zeb Pirzada couldn't be happier.
Who can blame him? By setting up shop in the 35,000-square-foot space Pirzada consolidated three warehouses under one roof, reaping all the efficiencies that go with the new streamlined operation.
“We have become very efficient,” said Pirzada, 29. “We designed the office to have the paper flow go really well, and it has helped us out in billing things earlier.”
The $9-million HME's new digs include a 15,000-square-foot office area and separate sections for cleaning and sanitizing equipment, making repairs, custom rehab (2000 square feet), respiratory equipment and supplies.
That's not all.
The new HQ has a fenced parking that lot is monitored by security cameras and can hold 30 vehicles.
“I feel more comfortable now loading the vehicles at night,” Pirzada said. “We know the vans are safe.” HME