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Noridian re-awarded DME contract 

Noridian re-awarded DME contract 

WASHINGTON – Noridian Healthcare Solutions has announced it has been re-awarded the $142 million DME Medicare Jurisdiction A contract. It will continue to administer claims processing for DMEPOS for Medicare beneficiaries that reside in the District of Columbia and 11 states (Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Vermont). “Since 2015, Noridian has served the suppliers and beneficiaries of JA,” said Noridian President and CEO Jon Bogenreif. “This re-award reflects Noridian’s exceptional performance and a well-established commitment to eliminating administrative barriers and enabling access to health care.” Noridian will continue to support the CMS Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) health services in JA by providing claims processing and payment services related to supplier billing. It will also provide outreach and education, process appeals and respond to complex inquiries from congressional offices, CMS and beneficiaries. Jurisdiction A includes more than 20,000 DME suppliers and annually processes more than 11 million claims for Medicare beneficiaries. 


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