NCART targets twitter to push legislation
By HME News Staff
Updated Fri November 21, 2014
WASHINGTON - NCART has asked CRT stakeholders to take to Twitter in an effort to reach key Congressional offices to push—and pass—its two bills to carve out a separate benefit for complex rehab, by the end of the year. The message NCART wants tweeted: “Help people with disabilities get needed specialized equipment. Pass #HR942 & #S948 this year!” NCART has created a list of Congressional twitter handles to include in tweets. “In about fifteen minutes, you can generate attention from close to 50 key Congressional offices,” said Executive Director Don Clayback. “If we all work together to tweet these offices over the next few days, we can create a real impact.” H.R. 942 has lingered at 160 co-sponsors since September; S. 948 in November picked up its 21st co-sponsor, Sen. Christopher Coons, D-Del.