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E-prescribing: Avoid ‘swivel chair’ process 

E-prescribing: Avoid ‘swivel chair’ process 

Q. How can I find the right DME e-prescribe system for my company? 

A. Introduction of new software or processes at any company requires careful consideration. Here are four questions to think about when researching which DME e-prescribe platform is best for your business. 

Will it cause more work?  

Nobody wants to implement a “swivel chair” process where your company’s resources have to transcribe the data from the DME e-prescribe platform to your company’s ERP system. Ideally, the implementation of a DME e-prescribe platform should not increase the risk of errors and additional delays. Interoperability APIs mitigate this risk by allowing data and documents to flow seamlessly between systems as they “talk” to each other. 

How will it support adoption among my referral sources? 

Many SaaS-based platforms these days have support that is limited to FAQs, chat bots and online assistance from user communities. Look for a DME e-prescribe platform that provides robust, human support for your company’s initiative to drive e-prescribe adoption among your referral sources. 

What is impact to the bottom line?  

DME e-prescribe platforms can provide your company with an easy way to get complete, accurate, billable and refillable orders from referral sources. But at what cost? It is crucially important for companies to assess the fee structures of the DME e-prescribe platforms available. It is in your company’s best interest to build up DME e-prescribe order volume at an affordable and sustainable price point. 

Which e-prescribe platform will still exist five years from now? 

Always consider the company’s structure, financial viability, track record of delivering and commitment to the industry so that you can make a choice that will stick for the long-term.   

e-Prescribe for DME is here to stay and the rate of adoption will only speed up. Put your company in the best position by asking the right questions. 

Ken Hodel is vice president of development for DMEScripts. Reach him at 


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