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Cybersecurity: Improve threat resilience

Cybersecurity: Improve threat resilience

Brandon PotterQ. Is cybersecurity a critical risk in the HME/DME Industry? What are some basic things we can do to protect ourselves? 

A. In today's world, cybersecurity is a critical concern, especially in the home medical equipment industry. The risk of cyber threats grows exponentially as these sectors increasingly rely on digital technologies for managing operations, patient records and sensitive data. HME providers are prime targets for cyberattacks, given their essential role in our nation's critical infrastructure. 

HME providers handle a vast amount of non-public and protected health information (PHI) and a breach of systems and access to this information could lead to identity theft, financial loss, trust or reputational damage, and potential penalties from regulatory agencies. To mitigate these risks, several key cybersecurity controls are essential. 

First, incident response planning is crucial. Incident response planning involves preparing for potential breaches by establishing protocols to detect, respond to and recover from cyber incidents swiftly. A well-crafted incident response plan can significantly reduce the impact of a breach and ensure business continuity. 

The use of multi-factor authentication (MFA) is another critical control. MFA adds an additional layer of security by requiring multiple forms of verification before granting access to systems and data, making it much harder for unauthorized users to gain access. 

Continuous vulnerability scanning and patch management are also vital. These practices help identify and fix security weaknesses before they can be exploited by attackers, while simultaneously helping to create a list of assets on your network. Regularly updating systems and software to address known vulnerabilities is essential in maintaining a strong security posture. 

Proactive measures, including incident response planning, the use of MFA and continuous vulnerability scanning and patch management are a few quick wins that can improve your resilience to the ever-evolving threat landscape. 

Brandon Potter is chief technology officer at ProCircular. Reach him at


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