All signs point to success
By Theresa Flaherty, Managing Editor
Updated Wed May 19, 2010
Well, I just saw somewhere that the Meek bill now has 242 co-sponsors and AAHomecare is striving to hit 250 by week's end. I know from talking to providers that most of you are joyfully watching those numbers tick up. I also enjoy hearing about the efforts many of you make in trying to reach, literally and figuratively, your lawmakers.
Case in point: Dave Gordon of Delcrest Medical in Hamilton Township, N.J. When phone calls, faxes and emails failed to produce even a response, Gordon decided to go public. Borrowing from the idea of a provider in Georgia, he changed his signage to ask Rep. Chris Smith to support the bill.
Whether or not the sign did the trick, Smith is one of the bill's most recent sponsors. And Gordon thanked him in kind.
By the way, Gordon is not in Rounds 1 or 2 of the reviled bidding program, but he understands that in a sense, you are all in Round 1.
"You always think, 'I'll let the other guys worry about this," Gordon told me recently. "But, like with accreditation, you saw it on the horizon. Sooner or later, it's right here."
Theresa Flaherty