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Archive: February 2015


New website wants to be Yelp of mobility

February 27, 2015Tracy Orzel

TEA, S.D. - Founder Bob Lundin first got the idea for, a review-based website for mobility products and services, two years ago during a dinner with friends in Mexico.After the meal, Lundin's waitress offered to give the group free desserts in exchange for leaving her a review on Yelp.“I said, 'Why don't we do that for mobility products?'” said Lundin.Crytico users won't receive a free dessert, but they can request quotes, and read, rate and write reviews for free on more...

Bob Lundin,

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In brief: Bill seeks to add 'disposable medical technology' to DME benefit, CMS holds steady on Medicare Advantage

February 27, 2015HME News Staff

WASHINGTON - Rep. Renee Ellmers, R-N.C., introduced a bill on Monday that would increase access to disposable medical technologies for Medicare beneficiaries. Co-sponsored by Rep. George Butterfield, D-N.C., the Patient Access to Disposable Technology Act of 2015, H.R. 1018, would establish “disposable medical technology” and incorporate it into existing DME coverage, allowing Medicare beneficiaries to use less expensive equipment at home. “Many of our constituents rely on disposable...

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Also Noted

Insulet reports increase in revenues

February 27, 2015HME News Staff

BILLERICA, Mass. - Insulet reported revenues of $72.6 million for the fourth quarter of 2014, a 6% increase compared to the same period in 2013. It reported a net loss of $5.4 million vs. $2.5 million. Insulet reported revenues of $288.7 million for the year, an increase of 17% compared to 2013. It reported a net loss of $51.5 million vs. $45 million. For 2015, Insulet expects revenue to be in the range of $305 million to $320 million.

Diabetes Supplies, Earnings, Insulet, Insulin


CMS could move soon on face-to-face requirement

February 27, 2015Liz Beaulieu, Editor

WASHINGTON - A new bill in the House of Representatives paves the way for CMS to start enforcing the face-to-face requirement. Industry stakeholders say the agency has been waiting for Congress to expand the types of healthcare providers who can document the face-to-face encounter required for DME prescriptions. Reps. Kevin Brady, R-Texas, chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, and Jim McDermott, D-Wash., ranking member of the committee, introduced a bill Feb. 24 that would do just...


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Also Noted

Midwest Medical hosts Sen. Thune

February 27, 2015HME News Staff

WATERTOWN, S.D. - Midwest Medical, a member of the Midwest Association for Medical Equipment Services, hosted a meeting with Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., on Feb. 19 to discuss concerns over the impact of competitive bidding in rural areas. “Senator Thune was very interested in our facts and stories about the national roll out of competitive bidding rates and the audit nightmares we have encountered,” stated Kay Johnson, owner of Midwest Medical, in a press release. Other MAMES members also...

Advocacy, John Thune, Midwest Association for Medical Equipment Services (MAMES), Midwest Medical

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Company seeks to offer 'exit strategy'

February 27, 2015Theresa Flaherty, Managing Editor

SHELBYVILLE, Ala. - There's a new buyer on the horizon with ambitious plans to roll up DME companies, but it has a very tight focus.“It's strictly an exit plan for small, rural businesses in the medical supply business,” said Norm Frohreich, CEO of FullCircle Registry. “It's as simple as that.”FullCircle Registry, which had its start as an electronic medical records company, has launched FullCircle Medical Louisiana Inc to acquire several DME providers in that state—and...

FullCircle Medical, Norm Frohreich

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House fast tracks bid bill

February 27, 2015Theresa Flaherty, Managing Editor

WASHINGTON - Industry stakeholders last week hailed a favorable vote that pushed legislation to reform the competitive bidding program a step closer to passage.“There's finally been recognition by key lawmakers that there's a problem that needs to be fixed,” said Tom Ryan, president and CEO of AAHomecare.The House Ways and Means Committee marked up H.R. 284, along with a handful of other non-controversial, bipartisan healthcare bills (see related story), on Feb. 26. The committee unanimously...

AAHomecare, H.R. 284

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Also Noted

CMS discriminates against doctors of podiatric medicine, council says

February 27, 2015HME News Staff

ATLANTA - The AFL-CIO Executive Council issued a statement on Feb. 25 calling on Congress to enact legislation to recognize doctors of podiatric medicine as “physicians” in Title XIX of the Social Security Act governing Medicaid. DPMs are already defined as physicians in Title XVIII of the Social Security Act governing Medicare. The council also called for an amendment of the Social Security Act governing Medicare to recognize the ability of DPMs to independently certify the need for...

Medicaid, Medicare, Podiatry

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Bill seeks to add 'disposable medical technology' to DME benefit

February 26, 2015HME News Staff

WASHINGTON - Rep. Renee Ellmers, R-N.C., introduced a bill on Monday that would increase access to disposable medical technologies for Medicare beneficiaries.Co-sponsored by Rep. George Butterfield, D-N.C., the Patient Access to Disposable Technology Act of 2015, H.R. 1018, would establish “disposable medical technology” and incorporate it into existing DME coverage, allowing Medicare beneficiaries to use less expensive equipment at home.“Many of our constituents rely on disposable...

H.R. 1018, Renee Ellmers

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Also Noted

Bill would expand who can document face-to-face exam

February 26, 2015HME News Staff

WASHINGTON - Tucked into a new bill is a provision that would expand who can document face-to-face exams for DME to include nurse practitioners and physician assistants. Ways and Means Health Subcommittee Chairman Kevin Brady, R-Texas, and Ranking Member Jim McDermott, D-Wash., on Tuesday introduced H.R. 1021, the Protecting the Integrity of Medicare Act (PIMA) of 2015. The bill also seeks to, among other things, remove Social Security numbers from Medicare beneficiary cards, and increase outreach...

H.R. 1021

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