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Archive: February 2012


Home Health Depot adds 14th branch

February 29, 2012HME News Staff

INDIANAPOLIS - Home Health Depot expanded its reach in northeast Indiana, opening a new branch in Fort Wayne, the provider announced Feb. 28. The provider now has 14 branches—seven in the state, along with Illinois, Iowa and Michigan. "As a result of our Fort Wayne expansion, we are proud to be able to serve more Hoosiers in Northeast Indiana," stated Nathan Feltman, president of Home Health Depot, in a release.  "We believe our focus on offering a one-stop shop, full continuum of care...

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Tough act to swallow

February 28, 2012Theresa Flaherty, Managing Editor

It's only fair that I follow up my earlier Paula Deen blogs with an update. According to this story, the Queen of Butter has dropped two sizes, which she attributes to walking 30 minutes a day and cutting her portion sizes in half (yikes, how big were they?). What I like about this is that she made some lifestyle choices to get healthier, rather than relying solely on medication for her blood sugar (I use insulin, so can't speak to how some of those Type 2 meds work). Its one of my biggest pet peeves...

e-SP, e-SP

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Product design and marketing unite

February 28, 2012Liz Beaulieu, Editor

MUNDELEIN, Ill. - Rich Derks, the new president of Medline's DME Division is the total package: He has an undergraduate degree in engineering and an MBA in marketing. “Usually you have an engineer who knows nothing about how products are sold, or a marketer who knows nothing about how products are built,” he said. Here's what Derks had to say about how he plans to use this experience to make Medline a stronger company for DME providers. HME News: Medline also sells DME to hospitals and...

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Business Development

Bariatrics shows no signs of slowing down

February 27, 2012John Andrews

Obesity has been a health problem in the United States for quite some time and statistics show that it's only getting worse. That has created a growing need for a bariatric-sized medical equipment market--a category that has been gaining weight in the HME industry for a number of years. Jean Sayre, director of clinical education for Bozeman, Mont.-based The Comfort Company, says obesity, while prevalent, is still not getting the attention it should by the public. "It is more of an epidemic than...

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ResMed spends big on R&D

February 27, 2012Liz Beaulieu, Editor

SAN DIEGO - ResMed in January reported $332.7 million in revenue for the second quarter ended Dec. 31, 2011, a 9% increase compared to the same quarter in 2010. It reported a net income of $62.9 million, an 8% increase. Also of note in the company's earnings: ResMed reported research and development expenditures of $27.2 million for the quarter ended Dec. 31, a 24% increase compared to the same period in 2010. That raised some eyebrows in the investor community. During a conference call to discuss...

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Bid education shift to Round 2 aftermath

February 27, 2012John Andrews

Unlike previous competitive bidding educational programs, the Medtrade Spring 2012 conference will focus on the aftermath of Round 2. Still, the Medtrade Educational Advisory Committee has put together a solid program on competitive bidding for attendees even though the focus has shifted, said Group Show Director Kevin Gaffney. "We feel it will be as big an issue as ever if not more so," he said. "Even with bids due by March 30, we would expect there to still be lots of questions and concerns and...

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Medtrade Spring embraces West Coast 'vibe'

February 27, 2012John Andrews

LAS VEGAS - Medtrade Spring doesn't aspire to be Medtrade "Fall." It is smaller, shorter and more relaxed than Nielsen's flagship expo in Atlanta. Yet Medtrade Spring has unique attributes that allow it to stand on its own, says Group Show Director Kevin Gaffney. Slated for April 10-12 at the Sands Expo and Convention Center, Medtrade Spring incorporates many of the same elements that make the Medtrade brand popular, while offering some different aspects that attendees should find appealing, he...

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Specialty Providers

Story casts negative light on sleep testing, say providers

February 24, 2012Theresa Flaherty, Managing Editor

YARMOUTH, Maine -When National Public Radio in January ran a story about the booming sleep apnea business, it caught the ear--and ire--of CPAP providers. That's because the four-minute story focused on the increasing costs to the healthcare system associated with testing for sleep apnea, using phrases like "lucrative" and "wildly over-prescribed." Lost, say providers, was the benefit associated with getting people tested and treated. "I think the tone of it was, there's abuse, and there certainly...

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Iowa: Providers seek seat on Medicaid council

February 24, 2012Elizabeth Deprey

DES MOINES, Iowa - Home medical equipment providers are a step closer to getting a voice in Iowa Medicaid issues. A bill heading to the floor of the state House would expand the Medical Assistance Advisory Council (MAAC) from 40 seats to 42 seats--one of which would be earmarked for an HME provider. "Hopefully we will have a permanent place at the Medicaid table," said Terry Flatt, Iowa state chairman for the Midwest Association for Medical Equipment Services (MAMES) and executive vice president...

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Competitive bidding: Petition aims for 'real change'

February 24, 2012Theresa Flaherty, Managing Editor

SCARBOROUGH, Maine - Why didn't someone think of this sooner? A petition to stop competitive bidding has picked up nearly 8,000 signatures in two weeks. National Sleep Therapy (NST) launched the petition on to get beneficiaries and caregivers to speak up about the dreaded program. "I've always thought real change needs to happen at the patient/voter/constituent level," said Peter Falkson, CEO and cofounder of NST. "If we could get all the patients involved--the people that actually get...

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