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Archive: August 2011


AmeriCare gets ahead of curve

August 31, 2011Theresa Flaherty, Managing Editor

PONTIAC, Mich. -- AmeriCare Medical in August launched a pilot program that will allow the provider to pick up where the hospital leaves off. The "Total Care Experience," formed in partnership with St. Joseph Mercy Oakland, a hospital in the Trinity Health System, seeks to reduce hospital readmissions and cut Medicare costs. "It made sense to get a program going now," said Stacey Murphy, vice president of corporate development for AmeriCare. Beginning Oct. 1, 2012, Medicare payments will be reduced...

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On the Editor's Desk

'I would drop (Medicare) in a heartbeat'

August 31, 2011Liz Beaulieu, Editor

When CMS on Aug. 19 announced the affected zip codes and product categories for Round 2 of competitive bidding, HME providers had a lot to digest. Here's what some of them said, straight from the horse's mouth. Sandra Hoskin, president, American Medical Equipment, Houston “My reaction to that is I want a Zoloft. This program is the biggest farce in this profession and I've been at it for the past 30 years. I know I have to move forward on this, and I plan on bidding, but to date, I've attended...

Competitive Bidding, On The Editor's Desk

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Providers power up during hurricane

August 29, 2011HME News Staff

HME providers spanning the East Coast have been taking extra steps to make sure patients who lost power during Hurricane Irene have the medical attention they need. AAHomecare sent out a press release this week, highlighting the actions of a handful of these providers: Homecare Concepts This provider in Farmingdale, N.Y., lost power but its employees have been coordinating care and service via cell phone to more than 100 patients also without power in the New York City area. “Those who were...

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On the Editor's Desk

5 days, 5 bidding stories

August 26, 2011Liz Beaulieu, Editor

I'm about to give you a good reason to make HME News your home page. Or at least check it every day. Even though we're a monthly publication, we have our HME Newswire each week and, in case you didn't notice, at least one new story on our website each day. This week, we posted a story related to CMS's Aug. 19 announcement on Round 2 of competitive bidding each day. Yup, that's five days and five bidding stories: Monday: CMS releases Round 2 bidding information Tuesday:...

Blog, Competitive Bidding, On The Editor's Desk

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Policy experts on bidding program: 'Good idea gone bad'

August 25, 2011Theresa Flaherty, Managing Editor

WASHINGTON - It's a mistake for CMS to push forward with Round 2 of competitive bidding, says a group of policy experts from outside the HME industry. "CMS is not listening, and the adverse consequences are going to affect consumers," said Steve Pociask, president of the American Consumer Institute, during an Aug. 22 call moderated by The Heartland Institute, a non-profit think-tank that promotes free-market solutions to social and economic problems. In addition to the American Consumer Institute,...

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Survey sought input on salary

August 25, 2011Theresa Flaherty, Managing Editor

When Richard Davis wanted to create a realistic--and rewarding--pay scale for his employees, he turned to the experts: his fellow HME providers. Davis, vice president of customer satisfaction and human resources for Valdosta, Ga.-based Barnes Healthcare, created a salary survey that he shared through LinkedIn and various state associations. He spoke with HME News recently about why it's important to not only pay a fair wage, but to create incentives for employees to grow. HME News: Why did you do...

Durable Medical Equipment (DME), Home Medical Equipment (HME), Home Medical Equipment (HME)

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Fundraisers seek industry support

August 25, 2011John Andrews

ATLANTA - Fundraising organizers are counting heavily on the HME industry's support in two separate events on Tuesday, Oct. 25. AAHomecare's "Stand Up for Homecare" and MK Battery's "Power For Funding" both aim to get Medtrade attendees to open their wallets for their individual causes. At AAHomecare's reception from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the Maple Point Room in Hall B of the Georgia World Congress Center, President Tyler Wilson will offer an update on the association's grassroots lobbying efforts...

AAHomecare, AAHomecare, AAHomecare, Durable Medical Equipment (DME), Home Medical Equipment (HME), Home Medical Equipment (HME), Medtrade, Medtrade, MK Battery, MK Battery

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Minnesota Medicare woes continue

August 25, 2011Elizabeth Deprey

ST. PAUL, Minn. - It's been quite a summer for HME providers in Minnesota. Due to a state budget crisis, they had to wait until July 1 for their June Medicaid payments. Soon after, they faced uncertainty about whether the state's legislature was cutting their Medicaid reimbursement by an additional 3% on top of a previous reduction of 3%. During the past fiscal year, providers took a 3% cut from the state Legislature and a 1.5% cut from the governor. That cut expired June 30--the end of the fiscal...

Durable Medical Equipment (DME), Home Medical Equipment (HME), Home Medical Equipment (HME)

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David Williams: The HME industry's white knight

August 25, 2011Mark Sullivan

How do you go about writing a eulogy for Superman, someone you thought just might never succumb to kryptonite or any other element earth could throw at him that would surely do in any mere mortal? In an era where we assign praise to fighters, pro athletes, and celebrities who battle back from self-inflicted disease and addiction, we miss the courage and toughness of those like David T. Williams who simply fight the good fight every day, who have everything but the kitchen sink thrown at them and...

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A productive lunchtime for Medtrade attendees

August 25, 2011John Andrews

Medtrade attendees have to find time in their busy schedules for lunch, so why not make it a productive repast? By combining a box lunch with roundtable discussions, show organizers are inviting the Monday crowd to a noontime event they call Lunch & Learn at the Georgia World Congress Center. For a $15 or $20 entrance fee, attendees can break bread with some of Medtrade's most popular seminar speakers, such as Louis Feuer, Miriam Lieber, Collette Weil and Bruce Brothis. The Lunch & Learn concept...

Durable Medical Equipment (DME), Home Medical Equipment (HME), Home Medical Equipment (HME), Medtrade, Medtrade

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