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Archive: July 2010

Executive Session

The 10 most interesting people in HME

July 30, 2010Mike Moran

People love lists. I love lists. Why is that? What is it about a list that makes you automatically want to scan it? Whenever you see a list of the richest people in the world, don't you more often than not bury your nose in it to see who is rich and just how rich they are? I do. The same goes for those lists of the most beautiful people that celebrity-driven rags run on a regular basis. I guess it's just human nature to like lists, which are a bit like gossip, and, as we know, most...

Asela Cuervo, Cara Bachenheimer, Denise Fletcher, Executive Session, Hymie Pogir, Invacare, Lists, Neil Caesar, Roll Call, Sarah Hanna, Seth Johnson, Tiger Woods

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Competitive bidding survival guides from MED and VGM

July 28, 2010Mike Moran

LUBBOCK, Texas - The MED Group intends to "fight like hell" to eliminate competitive bidding, but until that happens, it's laid out a multi-pronged strategy to help members survive. "The shock of it is still there," said Wayne Grau, MED's vice president of supplier relations and government affairs. "People are going: What am I going to do? What am I going to do?" The answer, he said, depends on the provider. For those who won a Round 1 rebid, MED has begun developing marketing material. "Overall,...

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In brief: KCI's income drops, Sunrise beefs up education

July 28, 2010HME News Staff

SAN ANTONIO - Kinetic Concepts, Inc. (KCI), a manufacturer of negative pressure devices, reported last week that its net income fell 8% in the second quarter of 2010 to $53.6 million. Revenues rose 1% to $497.8 million for the same time period. KCI also reported that rental revenue fell 3% to $283.1 million and that sales rose 8% to $214.7 million. The increase is sales, however, was offset by administrative and other general expenses, which rose 17%, the company stated. Sunrise beefs up education LONGMONT,...

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Pay for performance

July 28, 2010Mike Moran

FORD CITY, Pa. - Officials at Klingensmith Healthcare believe they can see the future of HME, and most smaller HMEs with limited resources aren't going to be around to experience it, said President Dave Knepshield. "These DME guys can't do it," he said. "It's not competitive bidding that is going to get rid of these guys; it's what's next down the line." What's down the line, Knepshield said, is this: Beginning in 2012, courtesy of the new healthcare reform bill, Medicare will reduce or withhold...

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Hasco Medical looks to roll up HMEs

July 28, 2010Theresa Flaherty, Managing Editor

MOBILE, Ala. - Hal Compton thinks the HME industry is ripe for consolidation and he's the man to do it. The former retail executive, along with several others, formed holding company Hasco Medical about two years ago with the intent of acquiring established healthcare companies. The company went live on the OTC Bulletin Board in April and has begun sending inquiry letters to prospective sellers. "There's not really a national player in DME," said Compton. "You've got Apria and Lincare that chase...

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On the Editor's Desk

Some relationship advice for CMS

July 28, 2010Liz Beaulieu, Editor

Did you see the July 16 edition of "Mobility Matters," the bulletin that AAHomecare publishes to educate lawmakers and policymakers, among others, on the power mobility benefit? It was a good one. In the bulletin, Dr. Jerald Winakur, clinical professor of medical humanities and ethics at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio, Texas, calls CMS to task for its "maddening" documentation requirements for power wheelchairs: “I (perform) two or three 'power mobility evaluations'...

AAHomecare, AAHomecare, AAHomecare, Documentation, Dr. Jerald Winakur, Mobility Matters, On The Editor's Desk

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Competitive bidding: Dominoes start to fall?

July 28, 2010Liz Beaulieu, Editor

The ears of officials with at least one state Medicaid program have perked up since Medicare announced a 32% reimbursement cut, on average, as part of competitive bidding. Officials in Ohio e-mailed Kam Yuricich at the Ohio Association of Medical Equipment Services (OAMES) in July, asking her what she thought about the new bid amounts that will go into effect in nine areas, including Cleveland and Cincinnati, on Jan. 1. "Ohio Medicaid pays at or below Medicare, so right now, they're waiting for...

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Hasco Medical looks to roll up HMEs

July 28, 2010Theresa Flaherty, Managing Editor

MOBILE, Ala. - Hal Compton thinks the HME industry is ripe for consolidation and that he's the man to do it. The former retail executive, along with several others, formed holding company Hasco Medical about two years ago with the intent of acquiring established healthcare companies. The company went live on the OTC Bulletin Board in April and has begun sending inquiry letters to prospective sellers. "There's not really a national player in DME," said Compton. "You've got Apria and Lincare that...

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Competitive bidding: Industry rallies the troops

July 28, 2010HME News Staff

WASHINGTON - It's crunch time for the HME industry to try and pull the plug on competitive bidding once and for all. AAHomecare, The VGM Group, NAIMES and others sent e-mail blasts to their members last week, urging them to set up meetings with lawmakers during the August recess and to contact their local media to let them know how competitive bidding will affect their communities. Because it's an election year, they also urged members to attend town meetings to discuss HME and competitive bidding. Resources...

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Executive Session

Spring ahead of the competition, but, of course, always do the right thing

July 27, 2010Mike Moran

I just finished reading an HME News story about a provider who later this summer plans to add a line of shoes with "coil springs." I got a chuckle out of that. In my mind, I picture a guy bouncing around on sneakers attached to some big mattress springs. Bouncing through the supermarket. Bouncing down the sidewalk. Bouncing up and down while he mows his lawn. Of course, he's got a big smile on his face because springy shoes are fun. Boing. Boing. Boing. I sent out an email to some coworkers. Who...

Clinical Effectiveness, Executive Session

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