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Archive: February 2008


NCART stays the course

February 29, 2008HME News Staff

WASHINGTON - NCART has kept its eye on the ball amidst reports that in December The Scooter Store did some lobbying against H.R. 2231, the coalition's rehab carve-out bill, on Capitol Hill. "We haven't changed our strategy," said Executive Director Sharon Hildebrandt. "Now that Congress is back in session, we're seeking to have a companion bill introduced in the Senate, and we're trying to get additional co-sponsors in the House of Representatives." Rep. Tom Allen, D-Maine, introduced H.R. 2231,...

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Diabetes: Sweet opportunity

February 29, 2008HME News Staff

What do sleep science, bariatrics and diabetes have in common? Besides being the three hottest categories in HME today, they represent connected points on a clinical triangle. So it stands to reason that providers serving any of those markets should ideally be in all of them. Of the three, HME companies appear to be most reluctant about entering the diabetic market, probably because it requires a lot of clinical expertise and involves products like footwear that go outside the traditional provider...

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'I think we'll be OK'

February 29, 2008HME News Staff

YARMOUTH, Maine -Despite bumps in the road here and there, most providers reported in January that they already meet CMS's requirement that they have assistive technology suppliers (ATSs) on staff to sell certain power wheelchairs beginning April 1, 2008. If not, they were well on their way. "We have one employee who has already taken the exam and passed it, and we have four more employees taking it next week," said Jim Travis, president of Buffalo Wheelchair in West Seneca, N.Y., in late January....

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Farewell to a homecare superstar

February 29, 2008HME News Staff

With the passing of Lisa Thomas-Payne Jan. 10, a significant era in the HME industry officially ended. As close to a superstar as one can get in the decidedly unglamorous world of healthcare billing, Lisa had the magic ability to give a dry topic sex appeal. She had all the attributes of a compelling speaker--dynamic, articulate, passionate and animated, as well as being easy on the eyes. But her true strength was the seemingly infinite depth of her knowledge when it came to Medicare Part B billing...

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Clash of the Titans

February 29, 2008HME News Staff

ELYRIA, Ohio - Invacare announced in mid-January that it will no longer sell power wheelchairs to the Scooter Store, claiming that, when it comes to national competitive bidding, the nation's largest mobility provider is "against everything the industry stands for." "We feel independent providers are critical to serving the beneficiary, and we feel we are better off in the marketplace with them rather than going with the Scooter Store," said Lou Slangen, Invacare's senior vice president of worldwide...

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Beware these pitfalls

February 29, 2008HME News Staff

Here are a few things industry attorneys are seeing more and more of in the field. Neil Caesar, Health Law Center, Greenville, S.C. * When it comes to joint ventures involving non-Medicare patients, DMEs still need to be aware of federal anti-fraud rules if "any aspect of the private relationship suggests that it is in whole or in part designed to get Medicare referrals." If, for example, a DME gives a doctor an extra special discount or some other "special consideration," expect the feds to take...

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Drive settles dispute with Sharps Compliance

February 29, 2008HME News Staff

HOUSTON - Sharps Compliance and Drive Medical settled a patent dispute in January related to Sharps Pitch-It IV poles. In conjunction with the settlement, Drive will be the exclusive manufacturer and Sharps will be the exclusive seller of the poles. The adjustable, lightweight poles come in three sizes and have been on the market for eight years. Dr. Burton Kunik, Sharps' chairman, CEO and president, commented, "We look forward to a successful relationship with Drive Medical whereby we can leverage...

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February 29, 2008HME News Staff

Q. CMS issued a proposed rule regarding Medicare provider standards on Jan. 25. Can I offer input on this proposal? A. Yes, you can and you should, because the proposed rule contains some significant changes. It would require, for example, that all DMEPOS providers agree "not to directly solicit patients, which includes but is not limited to, a prohibition on telephone, computer email or instant messaging, coercive response Internet advertising on sites unrelated to DMEPOS products, or in-person...

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P&R Medical buys HME Solutions

February 29, 2008HME News Staff

VAN WERT, Ohio - P&R Medical Connection became the new owner of Home Medical Equipment Solutions Jan. 1. The provider's previous owner: Van Wert County Hospital and VanCrest Health Care Systems. P&R now employs about 45 personnel and has three locations that provide services to northwest and west central Ohio. P&R is accredited by ACHC.


Service: CMS keeps providers in dark

February 29, 2008HME News Staff

It makes perfect sense. Once the cap rental period ends and a Medicare beneficiary assumes ownership of a piece of DME, he naturally might want to sign a service agreement with his provider to maintain the equipment. Not so fast, say industry attorneys. It may make perfect sense--much like an extended warranty for a kitchen appliance--but CMS has yet to release details on how to structure such an agreement, and it's best to hold off until it does. "There is not much written guidance out there right...

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