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Archive: November 2006


Providers get tough with unresponsive congressmen

November 30, 2006HME News Staff

When it became clear in early November that Rep. John Linder, R-Ga., wouldn't be co-signing two industry-related bills, provider Todd Tyson wanted to let the world know. Tyson, president of Hi-Tech Healthcare in Norcross, Ga., promptly staked a handful of signs on the small lawn in front of his main location that criticized Linder, who was up for re-election. The signs read: "Linder Sucks the Oxygen Out of the Air"; "Linder Voted to Reduce Medicare Benefits"; and "Linder Votes to Sever Patient/Provider...

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What can HME learn from HHA?

November 30, 2006HME News Staff

Ann Howard, the former executive director of the now-defunct American Federation of Home Care Providers, used to write a top 10 column each year that she sent to HHA members. In the beginning, the columns carried titles like "10 Reasons Why Home Health Got Nailed." By the end of her tenure, however, the columns carried titles like "10 Reasons Why We Succeeded." Howard, now the director of federal policy for AAHomecare, knows what the DME industry's going through; the HHA industry, which absorbed...

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An industry in cultural transition

November 30, 2006HME News Staff

What does a business do when faced with shrinking reimbursement, increased regulation, competitive bidding, eroding margins and poor cash flow? The answer is obvious: That business has to reinvent itself. And that's what today's leading HME providers are doing. They are transforming their business models and themselves. They are moving away from the traditional Independent Entrepreneur model with its mindset of total self reliance. Instead of always developing their own operating methods and making...

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Simpler accreditation for Rx?

November 30, 2006HME News Staff

ALEXANDRIA, Va. - With accreditation requirements almost a sure bet for pharmacies, the National Community Pharmacists Association is working with accrediting bodies on Rx-friendly quality standards. The NCPA has long argued that pharmacists are already highly educated and licensed and that additional accreditation requirements would place undue burdens on pharmacies and eliminate access for patients. "I think CMS is interested in addressing the standards and recognizing the value that pharmacy brings...

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PMD workshop attracts 200-plus

November 30, 2006HME News Staff

PITTSBURGH - The Pennsylvania Association of Medical Equipment Suppliers (PAMS) attracted 200-plus providers and clinicians to an Oct. 25 seminar on new documentation regulations that require physician prescriptions and medical records for power mobility devices. The seminar featured a presentation by Dr. Robert Hughes, the medical director for jurisdictions A and B, and a review of sample documentation followed by a discussion of whether it would pass muster in a post-payment audit. More than 95%...

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Provider named in Watchdog column

November 30, 2006HME News Staff

DALLAS - A Watchdog column in The Dallas Star-Telegram has called into question the business practices of Integrated Rehabilitation Systems in Irving, Texas. The column tells the story of Chase Belcher, a 12-year-old with muscular dystrophy who has been waiting for more than a year for Integrated to deliver his new wheelchair. Company Owner Erik Strader told the Star-Telegram he was waiting for Permobil to ship the chair. Permobil told the newspaper the only holdup was "an issue with (Strader's)...

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Advertising assistance poses risks, OIG warns

November 30, 2006HME News Staff

WASHINGTON - The OIG sent a shiver through the industry in October when it issued an advisory opinion that questioned the legality of the advertising assistance that some manufacturers offer providers. The opinion also irked a number of industry watchers who criticized the OIG for sticking its nose where it doesn't belong--in the free market. "The purpose of sales is to get sales, to induce people to buy your stuff," said healthcare attorney Ann Berriman. "They are saying that any activity in health...

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IV providers bid

November 30, 2006HME News Staff

HARRISBURG, Pa. - Pennsylvania infusion providers had until Nov. 9 to submit bids to provide home infusion services to Medicaid patients. Their biggest concern: The state plans to select two providers to serve patients in 42 of the Pennsylvania's 67 counties where about 97% of the state's Medicaid population lives. Covering such a large area poses a burden that could prevent smaller providers from bidding because they most likely lack the resources to service such a large area, said one industry...

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Golden polishes service offerings

November 30, 2006HME News Staff

OLD FORGE, Pa. - Golden Technologies revamped its sales and marketing teams over the past few months in an effort to service providers "faster, more accurately and more efficiently" than ever before. "We're going into a whole new year with a tremendous amount of change with Medicare, and service is important," said C.J. Copley, executive vice president of sales and marketing. As part of the revamped sales team, Golden promoted Copley from vice president of marketing to his new position. He'll now...

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'A pretty good year' for Remco

November 30, 2006HME News Staff

JOLIET, Ill. - With the recent reimbursement cuts for oxygen and power mobility devices, it's unlikely that providers will look back at 2006 fondly. But for the Joliet, Ill.-based Remco Medical, it has been a "pretty good year--better than last year," says President George Block. A big reason for Remco's success: A handful of specialty clinics has kept patients moving through its doors and the company's name on the tip of the community's tongue. "We knew we needed to find different ways to put our...

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