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Archive: February 2003


Millions for preventative education: No big deal, providers say

February 28, 2003HME News Staff

WASHINGTON, D.C. - A $125 million proposal designed to provide U.S. cities and states with additional funding to help prevent illnesses such as diabetes, obesity, and asthma hopes to open America's eyes to prevention methods of healthcare and cut costs on the millions spent each year on treatment. But while industry suppliers believe it will provide opportunities for prevention education programs and may eventually reduce the cost of treatment over time, many feel it's a long road and will depend...

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Therapeutic shoe dealers face uncertainty

February 28, 2003HME News Staff

WASHINGTON - Region A Medical Director Dr. Paul Hughes admits he jumped the gun by issuing a December bulletin that greatly restricted the kinds of providers who can dispense therapeutic shoes for diabetics. “CMS said I was right and consistent with the law but that they had some regulatory stuff going on with this, and I thought maybe it would be better if I retracted this pending the regulations,” Hughes told HME News. Hughes retracted the bulletin in January. In issuing it, Hughes...

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February 28, 2003HME News Staff

When any of the HME industry's manufacturers launch stand-out new products, the trade press comes calling. When Johnson & Johnson launches a new product, the Wall Street Journal calls. Three years ago in the summer of 1999, the WSJ unveiled J&J's plans for the iBot wheelchair. No matter what you say about the application of that technology to this industry, it's a fantastic story. Consider the angles: The iBot was invented by a reclusive genius. The wheelchair climbs stairs! That kind of technology...

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February 28, 2003HME News Staff

Rehab Designs prepares for on-line ordering LOUISVILLE, KY - Rehab Designs, a Kentucky-based supplier of mobility and positioning equipment, has revamped its eight-year-old Web site, allowing for on-line ordering. Operations Manager Tim Barrett said the rehab supply company has finally found a “user friendly” program that will allow customers to order mobility and positioning equipment 24-hours-a-day and on weekends. The improved site has been in development for five months and will also...

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Stark: Medicare’s the better deal

February 28, 2003HME News Staff

WASHINGTON - Congressman Pete Stark can't understand why the administration and the new Senate majority leader is so high on shifting Medicare beneficiaries from fee-for-service to private HMOs. When it comes to efficiency, Stark argues that Medicare consistently outperforms private health insurers. “Medicare increased payments to providers such as hospitals, home health agencies, and nursing homes and still managed to keep overall spending growth to 7.8% in 2001,” Stark said In January....

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PB lightens CPAP to 1.5 lbs.

February 28, 2003HME News Staff

PLEASANTON, Calif. - As with laptop computers, cell phones and oxygen concentrators, the quest to make smaller and lighter without sacrificing function has not been lost on manufacturers of CPAPs. This month, Puritan Bennett (PB) expects to start shipping what it claims is the lightest CPAP on the market. At 1.54 lbs., the GoodKnight 420 is about half the weight of rival lightweight CPAPs. That drop in weight coupled with the unit's 3-inch width, says PB, is bound to make traveling with CPAP easier....

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Permobil’s Jernigan blends political and advocacy roles

February 28, 2003HME News Staff

Add Darren Jernigan's name to the burgeoning roster of government affairs liaisons in the HME industry. Just don't consider him to be another face in the crowd. Though barely in his 30s, the new policy specialist for Lebanon, Tenn.-based Permobil has proven himself to be a quick study and already shows broad context on political issues. Who else but a diehard political junkie would readily quote obscure politicians like early 20th century President William Howard Taft? In describing his approach...

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Chad makes moves to enter sleep market

February 28, 2003HME News Staff

CHATSWORTH, Calif. - Chad Therapeutics, the pioneering oxygen conserver company, has set its sights on the sleep market. Chad has signed product development and license agreements with AirMatrix Technologies and Acoba of St. Louis, Mo., privately held engineering and technology companies focused on the development of therapeutic gas monitoring and delivery systems. Chad isn't saying much about the sleep technology that's stimulated its interest in the sleep disordered breathing market. In joint...

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February 28, 2003HME News Staff

Q. How does a supplier report fraud and abuse and what happens to the complaint? A. The DMERCs and the state Medicaid programs are encouraging suppliers to call with information indicating fraud and abuse. Anonymous calls are accepted, but calls from suppliers identifying themselves and providing written documentation will receive priority. Many suppliers state that they have reported companies and carriers did not take any action. It can take long periods of time for Medicare and Medicaid to investigate...

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February 28, 2003HME News Staff

INDIANAPOLIS - Indiana rehab providers who once did a healthy business with the state's nursing homes and long-term care facilities are witnessing a dramatic disappearance of that business as the state responds to an $850 million budget deficit. Until late last year, Medicaid would approve and pay for non-standard rehab equipment required by residents of long-term care facilities. But starting around Thanksgiving, the state has been to deny non-standard equipment, arguing that the facility should...

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