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HME Benchmarking Toolkit

Measure your success and map your future

How do you measure up against other HME providers? Use our exclusive toolkit and find out! Order here.

Equip your business for success with the HME Toolkit:

  • Compare your business to peers
  • Identify key metrics & historical trends
  • Industry benchmark for financial discussions
  • Highlight areas for opportunity & growth
  • Instant access for only $99

2024 HME Benchmarking Toolkit includes:

  • 2024 HME News/VGM & Associates Financial Benchmarking Survey Report
  • Comparison spreadsheet to auto-calculate the difference between your business and survey results
  • Slides from the 2024 HME News Business Summit Benchmarking Survey Analysis presentation

Order Now!

The HME Benchmarking Toolkit is developed based on the annual HME News/VGM & Associates Financial Benchmarking Survey. After purchase you will be emailed a link to download your toolkit. Software Required: Microsoft Excel and Adobe Acrobat Reader.