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Billing technology: Get staff plugged in

Billing technology: Get staff plugged in Q. How does offering online bill pay affect my patients?

A. Contrary to popular belief, your patients will use online bill pay if you offer it. The key is getting your patients and your staff to believe in the same methodology when it comes to paying bills online.  Surprisingly, baby boomers spend more time online than any other age group, according to eMarketer, a research analyst company. The 65-plus demographic has changed the way they pay—now your company needs to adapt that change and offer the right solution.  

Using online bill pay eliminates confusion for patients, and frees up your employees for more effective work. No more calls about lost invoices or patients not knowing exactly what is owed. By driving patients to manage their account through a patient portal, they are given full access to their accounts and invoices, offloading work from your staff while also building the trust and transparency your patients have come to expect.

Now the question remains, how should you implement online bill pay and encourage your patients to use it?

First and foremost, you have to start internally. Getting your entire staff plugged in will allow for easier communication between provider and patient. Remember, your staff will be the biggest advocate once they see the benefit that pertains to their workload. Secondly, advertising will be a crucial part in getting patients to sign up. Advertising is as simple as printing a link on patient invoices, inserting a marketing slip in patient bills, touting it on your website, and speaking to patients over the phone or in store. Finally, follow through with the campaign as a whole. Being consistent and focused with these efforts will be the key for overall receptiveness.

Jennifer Leon is director of marketing and customer service for Strategic AR. Reach her at 913-744-3360 or


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